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Testers Wanted: Vortex Rangefinders ×


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Everything posted by dlk1putt

  1. My two cents. In the same way that there are good golf teachers and bad golf teachers, there are good fitters who truly know what they are doing and there are bad fitters who do not. And then consider that the fitters are generally paid on some sort of commission basis. Then there is this consideration. A friend of mine's son became a fitter at a Club Champion. I asked him what were the formalities involved in him becoming a fitter at Club Champion, and basically it's a six week class. Do I believe you can learn how to be a good club fitter in six weeks? No. I do believe you can learn it on the fly, so my point being, I'd ask the fitter how long he's been doing it, and perhaps even ask for references of golfers that have had positive results from the individual's fitting. Last point...if you do get fitted, do it outside, not into a simulator. Nobody swings the same hitting into a simulator than they do hitting "for real" outiside.
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