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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Everything posted by David317

  1. As I got a little older and accumulated some shoulder and neck issues along the way my swing slowed and my distance suffered, particularly with my irons game. Coincidentally I was in the market for new irons during this and the fitter after listening to my concerns and watching my swing with the irons I was using at the time made the suggestion I try a graphite shaft. With the significant weight reduction provided by the graphite shafts (~40-50g decrease) my swing speed picked up my distances improved (actually exceeding some of my best distances with steel shafts) and my dispersion improved as well. I’m not a scratch golfer by any means but I can say that my game has improved, I’ve moved BACK a tee on my home course and my scores have improved and I’m shooting in the 80s more often then not; a big departure from previous.
  2. I usually carry 2-3 sleeves of balls. I’ll use them until visibly scuffed or of course, lost.
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