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Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    A few times per month
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

JDNYC42's Achievements

  1. #1 Pet Peeve - Is people complaining about slow play ... hear me out. I dislike a long round too and do everything in my power to help my game along and the people in my foursome. But I'd rather manage through most or even all of the pet peeves like unfixed divots, unraked bunkers and even being paired with someone who gives unwanted advice or has a temper, than the petulant child in the group behind you telling you to "speed it up" when you yourself are also waiting on the group ahead of you. If you're an experienced golfer: Have your expectations match reality. You know a late Saturday tee time on a public course isn't going to be fast. Just like traffic at rush hour. Take a breath and enjoy your time on the golf course, there are worse places to be. Is the group ahead not as fast as you? Relax, you'll probably still finish in a reasonable amount of time. How do you react when someone "hits up on you"? You could have been seriously injured, right? Or you at least think it's bad etiquette and rude. So then don't expect the group in front of you to hit until they feel comfortable that the group ahead of them is out of the way. Are you trying to play fast because you have things to do or places to be? That's your problem, don't make it someone else's. Are you that skilled and time is important to you? Pick the right course and time and/or pay up for exclusivity. Golf is a hobby with people at varying experience, knowledge and skill. Foster it. Spread the love of the game and quit saying "get out of MY way because I'm better than you". Nothing is worse than having someone breathe down your neck for no reason and bring bad vibes. Kindness - People in front of you are playing slow? Ask about the group ahead of them, I bet they're slow too. It's traffic, no one is going anywhere fast, accept it. Grumpy old men always blame the people in front and can't fathom to think that anyone else is also waiting on slow play too. Quit being self-absorbed. Ask kindly to play through if you can see the group ahead is slow. You'll probably get a "yes", and an apology too! Do you play often, and are a regular at this course with your 3 friends? Then I'm sure your club selection is fast and you know where to look for your ball. Other people may be playing there for the first time with people they don't know. It's not always a well-oiled machine. TL;DR - If you are on a golf course and you can't find a way to enjoy a few extra minutes on each hole on a slow day, talking to your friend or getting to know the stranger you're paired with, their golf equipment, trips or funny stories, than YOU have a problem. The world doesn't revolve around you, your skill level and your schedule. People are having fun, fostering relationships (Parent/child, spouse, friends, new acquaintances, etc.) and creating memories around a game that you claim to respect and enjoy. Don't lose sight of that.
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