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Everything posted by justl2003

  1. Ok, So I got the Accra140 M0 shaft and the 150 M1 shaft in the other day and installed two Ping adapters. I have been using a Graphite Design AD DI 6x on my G430 LST 9*. First day testing with the M0 was less than optimal. My transition tended to be too quick, and I kept getting a high right shank come into play. It seemed just incredibly way to flexy for my swing. HOWEVER, when I tried the 150 M1, thats where the magic happened. Straight bombs down the middle, and made 9/12 fairways where I used my driver. Its just an incredibly easy shaft to swing, and as long as i didnt try to aggressively hit it, it went straight and FLEW. Most of my drivers were getting 300 yards easily. On the first hole, I was playing with two other singles, and they gave me a kind "F you" after my first shot 335 down the middle. The M0 may work for some, but the additionally stiffness of the M1 150 definitely made a difference and tended to work significantly better for my swing. I can see the M0 being helpful for those with slower swing speeds / effortless swings. I also increased the adjustable Loft up to 10.5 (+1.5 setting), and that tended to work best for me as the lower loft tended to produce knuckleballs (my swing issues, not the shaft). All in all, definitely keeping the M1 on my driver for now. This thing is awesome. I've yet to get these on a trackman to compare, but I'll be doing that soon.
  2. Alright, I just purchased an Accra FX 3 M0 and M1. Will report back in a few weeks to let everyone know how it goes! Did you guys needs to make significant changes to alter the swing weight? I'm wondering if its worth looking into different head weights for my G430 LST. It currently has a 22 gram weight. Any suggestions for what I may need to do to fine tune it? What swing weight tends to work best for these?
  3. Has anyone found any luck with using these shafts in fairway woods or hybrids? Got an offer for a m0 140 and m1 140 for $200, so trying to figure out if its worth it getting 2 to experiment with the fairway woods or hybrids.
  4. Ah. Thanks for the info. Did you notice any tangible differences (feel, weight, consistency, etc.) between the M0 and M2 (albeit in different heads)? I presume you like the M0 better considering its your current gamer?
  5. Did you try putting the M0 in the Qi10LS? Or did you find any advantages using the M2 over the M0 for that specific setup outside of the swing weight? I guess I'm just struggling with which one to get in the M0-M2 line.
  6. Has anyone found success with the Accra FX 3 140 M1 or M2 (or 150)? I'm around a 10 handicap (29 years old) and average around 275 drives with my AD DI 6x (xtra stiff) on a Ping G430 LST (9 degree). Miss is a high right slice, happens maybe 1 or 2 times a round. I'd be interested in hearing others opinions of the M1 or M2 vs the M0. Are there any downsides to getting the m0 over the m1 or m2? Also what length are you playing the shaft at? My current gamer is 43.75 butt to adapter tip, but have historically played 44.5ish. I tend to like the shorter shaft for better control (fully cognizant I could of just gripped the club lower). I'm kind of considering the 140 m0 with my loft adjusted down between 7.5-8.5 (depending on trajectory and spin).
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