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About christianskyholloman

  • Birthday 11/12/1997

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Winston-Salem, NC
  • Interests
    Golf, fishing, specialty coffee, guitar, anime, video games

Player Profile

  • Age
    29 and under
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
    Weekend Golfer
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. I would say at face value, yes golf apparel is too expensive for a lot of people. I personally don’t buy anything new/ from department stores. I always buy my clothes at Ross/ tj maxx/ Marshall’s. I also shop at thrift stores occasionally with my wife. But golf has traditionally been a sport for people who are more affluent, so I get why golf apparel companies charge so much, because that is their target market. Also, the price of everything nowadays is more expensive. But like anything, you can golf on a budget. My bag is from goodwill and I bought my clubs used from a local golf shop.
  2. I would wholeheartedly encourage playing blades/ players irons. They give good feedback that your body subconsciously remembers. It also helps you really figure out what you are doing when you mishit the ball. You grow with them. As you get better, you can utilize them better!
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