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About colombiafrank

  • Birthday April 22

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    Travel and Golf

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    Weekend Golfer
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  1. Wow, didn't know that. Good that I live in the tropics and in Bogota it usually doesn't get hotter than 73° plus, I keep my bag in a spare room where I can practice.
  2. I'd like to jump into this interesting conversation. I agree that by definition, a public course means that everyone has access to it, regardless of whether they can afford it or not. In this context, "public" does not mean "state-owned" or "free," but rather "accessible to the public." However, there can be quite a difference in who can afford to play golf in different parts of the world. For example, in Colombia (where I live), there is a strong class division, and golf has historically been a sport for the wealthy. Most golf courses belong to private clubs. As @Swood1994 mentioned, money alone can't get you into these clubs. Being a member implies having money, which usually means it runs in your family, or you are a politician or an established businessperson. There are very few public courses, and they are not widely known because most citizens have been culturally excluded from the sport. But of course the fees to play in a public course in Colombia are so much cheaper than in the US or Europe. So I don't know if a "high-end public course" category would fit here...
  3. First song that popped into my mind was Rocky's theme song. Although I'm a beginner, that's the attitude I need on the course
  4. I'm a beginner and I find it hard to concentrate with music playing. But I guess when I get more experienced, I wouldn't mind much *as long as it is not too loud, otherwise I think is disrespectful.
  5. Until the early 2000s, Colombia was largely inaccessible to foreigners due to armed groups controlling significant parts of the country. Even residents of Bogotá could barely travel outside the city. Since 2015, tourism has surged, and with the 2016 peace agreement with the FARC, almost the entire country is now accessible. In 2023, over 5 million foreigners visited Colombia. Colombia boasts around 50 golf courses, mostly in exclusive country clubs that offer not only top-notch golf facilities but also swimming pools, gyms, tennis courts, and sometimes even artificial lakes for water sports, and equestrian facilities. The quality of these courses is exceptional. Dino Canepa from Swiss Golf noted that the fairways at the Country Club Bogotá are as good as European greens. In the 1980s, El Rincón outside Bogota was among the top 50 golf courses in the world. Geographically, Colombia is unparalleled. From the Caribbean to the Pacific and the Andes, one can experience nearly all climate zones. In a single week, you can play on the world’s second-highest golf course at over 3,000 meters (9,843 feet), amidst coffee plantations, along the Pacific coast, and finally, hit your last balls on a Caribbean course before heading to the beach. The top golf destinations in Colombia include Bogotá, the Coffee Triangle, Cali, Medellín, Bucaramanga, and Cartagena. Thanks to its geographic location, golf can be played year-round, with consistently pleasant temperatures. My name is Frank, I am Swiss and have been living in Bogotá since 2015. As the first golf tour operator in Colombia, I am happy to provide further information. Best regards, Frank
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