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About AdamC86

  • Birthday 11/10/1986

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southwest Michigan

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    111+ mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

AdamC86's Achievements

  1. I just purchased a Shot Scope V5 watch with tracking tabs for my clubs. I'm hoping to be able to have a more data driven approach towards my club selection/game. Would love to hear from anyone with experience using the Shot Scope app/watch/data and best way to optimize. It looks like it does an incredible job collecting data and the app is downright impressive thus far.
  2. I spent a decent amount of time on the practice green this morning. Every chance I get I do these two drills... The two tee drill-this always seems to help me keep my putter face square and create consistent contact. I usually find the straightest putt possible from 4-5' on the practice green, set my two tees as tight to the heel/toe of the putter as possible and perpendicular to my line, and hit putt after putt. It always amazes me how efficient my putting is when I'm getting a good, square stroke on the ball. Putt to the fringe drill-I usually put a club or putter cover a foot or so off the green on the fringe to create a target area. The goal is to roll the ball as close to the fringe as possible. I usually start at 10 feet and move back as far as I can on the practice green. This takes away the focusing of making the putt in the cup and just concentrating on speed control.
  3. If I’m warm and it’s a great lie (flat), my 14.5 deg 3 wood is a fairly consistent club and by far my furthest option. Mediocre and better fairway lies, I’m reaching for my 3h at 19 deg as my longest club. Tough fairway lies such as ball extremely above/below my feet or some other tough scenario, I’m reaching for a five/six iron as my longest club.
  4. I’ll have to keep that in mind for this coming fall! The same person that designed The Grande, Raymond Hearn, designed one of my home courses, Island Hills in Centreville, MI. Awesome stuff!
  5. I came here to say essentially the same thing. I have the 4i and use it as a driving iron/decent fairway lies. I cannot believe how forgiving it is on left/right dispersion. My miss hits may lose 20 yards but they’re still down the middle. My only complaint is the same as you-I was looking for a bit more piercing ball flight and it definitely has a bit more height than anticipated.
  6. Fantastic! I’ve played quite a few courses around Jackson. The most recent being The Grande 2 or 3 summers ago. We’re fortunate to have so many great golf courses in MI!
  7. I think I’m going to pull the trigger-just need to go hit them all back to back with my current gamers. I really enjoyed the DF3 on the mats..I’ve just played a blade putter most of my life and looking at its shape/size has been my biggest challenge. Thanks again for the welcome!
  8. Thanks for the welcome, @TSauer! Tough to beat a Michigan summer, the other months feel like paying penance lol. How do you like your L.A.B. Link.1? I've had a chance to roll them all and really liked the Link, Mezz.1 Max, and DF3. I've had my current gamers that I rotate since 2001 and 2015, itching to put something new in the bag.
  9. My name is Adam Carter. Longtime lurker, new account holder. I love all things that are golf and I’m here to learn! Always open to MI/IN/OH course recommendations! My current sticks are in my signature. How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score? I’ve been playing golf 30+ years. I was very fortunate and my dad and grandparents enjoyed golf and bringing me on the course. As of writing this, I am currently a 4 handicap and I typically shooting in the high 70’s to low 80’s. What do you love about golf? I love that every course is unique and presents its own challenges and charm. I also love that in golf you can focus on competing with yourself and play with anyone. Meaning I can go play with a scratch golfer or my dad/brother at a mid 20 handicap and the game is still enjoyable. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies? I have been a long time lurker and enjoyed the club reviews, articles, and have used forum topics in the past. After recently using the forum extensively I figured I should probably take the plunge. I do not know any other Spies-feel free to introduce yourselves. Where are you from? What is your home course? I am from southwest MI. I currently have two home courses, Klinger Lake Country Club located in Sturgis, MI and Island Hills in Centreville, MI. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? The best thing about Michigan golf in general are the mass amount of courses available to play. The downside is that the weather keeps us from playing a few months out of the year. I am always open to course recommendations throughout MI! What do you do for a living? I work in real estate as a realtor and investor. How’d you pick your user name? It’s just my name and initials. Nothing fancy.
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