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    101-110 mph
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  1. That's awesome! Congrats on the new home! My wife and I are looking to move from our starter home into a larger forever home now that our newborn son is here. Wishing the best with your new home and let's all have a great week.
  2. Good morning Spies, I had quite the refreshing weekend and hope you all did as well! Was able to take my 3 month old son on a short nearby par 3 course. My wife and her parents were also able to join for a Sunday morning round. Weather was perfect however the mosquitoes were out in full. Luckily, we wrapped our son pretty well to avoid any bites. The rest of us weren't as lucky. As for the round, I have started to aim better with my short irons but my putting seems to have fallen off. Not sure if it's because I was playing more relaxed golf with the family or if it's a sign of regression. My weekly round later this week with my buddies will be a better marker. I do have to say that the Kid Caddie attachment for my son's stroller has come in handy. I no longer need to rent the pushcarts or purchase one for my rounds. As long as my son is with me, I'm able to bring all my clubs, balls, and have room for extra storage in the stroller basket. The picture attached is of Asher mid-around. Hope his picture brightens your day like he does for me. Take care all!
  3. It's tough losing a father. I lost mine to cancer just over 2 years ago. It was a long and tough battle for him. Took everyone we had, including our friends, to help us continue moving forward. Everyone has different ways of handling grief. If golf was your way of connecting beforehand then I wouldnt want to change it due to the circumstances. Wishing the best for your friend and your friendship going forward. Happy hour drinks also kinda help but not the long term solution. I can pour out a little liquor in his honor tonight.
  4. Good morning all, Had a very early (2am) start to my day after my infant son woke up me and my wife. Something about being a new parent just doesn't allow you to go back to sleep like you could in your early 20s. So, after I put my son back to sleep, I decided to play a quick back 9 at a course located about 10min away. Lots of wildlife this morning on the course. Finished up and returned home right before my wife left for work. It's going to be a great day. Hope everyone enjoys their beautiful days. It's the weekend!
  5. That is quite the accomplishment for @ole gray. Shooting 33 on a 9 hole par 3 course would be quite the feat for me. With more practice I think I can get there, or it'll just come to me as I get older.
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