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Site Maintenance - June 17 6pm EST to 6am EST (Planned)


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Posts posted by OceanSands

  1. 8 hours ago, TonyLow202 said:

    I want to buy this.  But it's sooo expensive.

    It has not really helped my game, at least not $600 worth.  I learn as much or more from a slo-mo video of my swing.  My GPS watch gives me my tempo, as I play.  The DeWiz is not really usable on the course, too distracting for me.  I prefer swing aids that actually teach you a "feel" such as the whippy shafts.

    For sure the DeWiz is neat, great wow factor, but I don't really think it was worth the money.   Of course money's worth is relative.  If $600 is not a big deal to a person, then of course the DeWiz does have some usefulness, just not a lot. 



  2. Ha!  I have been suffering from it for about 4 months now.  BUT, it's on the inside my right elbow!  I am right handed.  I thought it was usually on your trail arm.  I am in Florida so golf year round.  I took about a week off and it felt good, but came back after a game or two. 

    I've tried lots of braces and have found the Serola Gel Arc from Amazon to be the best for me.  I've been to a Chiro and massage.  I think the massage helped the most, she worked the tendon and in the bicep area.

    I am trying really hard not to chunk my iron shots as that is a big setback.  I also forgot my brace one time and learned that it really does help a lot





  3. Thank you Matt for the response and info.  Good article in the link too.  I do know that my range swing and my course swing can be drastically different with the results obvious but the cause much less obvious.  So, the fact that deWiz is not obtrusive, not even noticeable really, could be a GPS watch, is a bonus that might help track down the differences.

    I am going to get one, thank you for the 50% discount (just kidding 😁 ).  I'm not sure how easy it will be to track down a particular shot, after the game.  For instance, if I hit a stinker 3rd shot on the 10th hole, will I be able to find that exact swing after I am finished, with the current software?

    Thanks again


  4. I am seriously thinking about getting one of these but it really doesn't check an awful lot - just length of backswing, over/under transition which is useful, and tempo.  I have a Voice Caddie T9 watch that has an excellent Tempo tracking, on the course and on the range.

    The DeWiz doesn't know if the club face is open or closed (I think) or if you are scooping.  It knows your plane angle but doesn't have the ability to shock you if you're not at the plane angle you want (I think).  I don't see a lot of value in the "dialing in your wedges" aspect, there's just so many other factors like wind, lie, slope.  I want a DeWiz but am having a hard time justifying it.  It might be able to teach me to hit fade, straight or draw at will and that would be neat.  I hit straight or draw or hook now, or push right when I forget to keep my wrist straight/flat.  But that hook or push is more of a wrist fault which DeWiz is not aware of (I think).

    Please, someone give me a reason to buy! 😅





  5. In my situation, I am looking for a case to be shipped by courier such as DHL or FedEx.  I snowbird between Canada and Florida.  As I don't plan on taking it through the airport, I'm thinking a hard case and this one from SKB looks good to me.


    I used the ShipSticks service and a ShipSticks cardboard box this time and it has been a disaster!  The box and 1 suitcase with all of our clothes was picked up in Florida, correctly labelled and packed, on April 13, 2021.  The 2 items have sat in a DHL warehouse ever since until today, April 28, 15 days later, the clubs arrived.  The box was badly worn but still intact.  The suitcase continues to sit in Cincinnati!  If it had been for a golf vacation, the vacation would be over by now.

    So, for my needs, I think a hard case and max protection is what I need, because bad things happen.  Does anyone have experience with the SKG cases?



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