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cksurfdude last won the day on July 20

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About cksurfdude

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Long Island, NY

Player Profile

  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
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  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. .. And being very, very, very very extremely patient. Each person has a different level of athletic ability and a different level of ability to learn something new - eg some are more natural athletes and can learn faster, while some of us regular people can take *years* to see real improvement. This game is hard! .. And it took me a few years to internalize that - and then I started making better progress....
  2. For me - average recreational bogey golfer, and a good drive is 230 - my thinking is about hitting it better not harder; i.e. making better contact and getting a better smash factor with the swing speed that I have. I have been fit for the driver, but I continue to tinker with shafts and hosel and weight settings as my swing evolves. Currently thinking about testing (range, no LM) lofting down from 12°.
  3. gm Got up early to let the dog out .. who didn't want to go out?? ..but finally did after I put his collar and leash on... What kind of dog doesn't want to go out in the morning?? And then of course he did have to poop and pee... Then I give him his food and he doesn't want to eat?? What kind of dog doesn't want his food in the morning?? Sheesh... So went back to bed and put my heating pad on Anyway actually *nice* here this morning!! Cool lo 60s and dry! Hope you have a great weekend day!!
  4. Got out for 9 this afternoon with my honey. Did not play all that great but I can .. for maybe the first time ever .. say I played reasonably "steady". Kept the ball moving in the right direction .. mostly bogeys, one par on the short Par 3 after a pretty clutch up & down street taking a drop off the cart path on the further side .. but killed the round score with two Triples... The first one I somehow made a ::gulp:: 4 yes four putt; the other I had a splash penalty after going for the green from a fairway bunker (yes - I consciously made that choice ) followed by a 3 putt Wedges - or, actually: wedge singular as I was playing with a small set of practice clubs - was working pretty well for me today, so happy with that.
  5. There's a fairly large VAMC not too far from me with a bit scruffy (they used it to call it The Goat Pasture 'cuz that's what it was in the past ) but very fun little 9 Hole track .. with it's good golf challenges. Had many fun rounds there several years ago .. really enjoy those kinds of courses!
  6. My wife gifted me a fairway cover with that pattern - very cool wave graphic! (I believe it's based off an old Japanese wood block print?) FYI if you guys have not yet checked out Cayce head covers, you should. I was never a custom head cover guy until I saw someone else in this thread with the "Swing Thoughts" cover!
  7. Wow you're a very dedicated Dad!! I'm just wondering, though - what happens in 2 years, at 16, when her tastes totally change... .. Hahaha... Good luck in your quest!
  8. That's good to hear, thx - they have clearly improved their product .. a lot! .. since I'd bought an earlier version a few years ago. I do like the design with the silicone on the palm and mesh on the back, so will have to try the newer one.
  9. Good Morning, and .. TGIF!! Clear and sunny and.. not all that hot and humid here.. wow! Gonna hit the course, just for 9, later with my honey. As always thinking positive for a good round (..hmm now why do I feel like the Golf Gods are snickering and sneering at me... ) Haha good, or bad, either way it's happy hour afterwards! Hope your day goes really well for you!!
  10. A little range and putting green time today. Weakest part of my game .. at this moment .. is irons and approaches. So spent most of my time with a PW and an old 6i just working on parallel to parallel / feet together slow and smooth swings .. trying to get the good pressure shift and good contact going. Some success... Also brought out two driver shafts to test out - Kai Li Blue 55/R and Pro Force V2 HL 5F3 - for reference currently playing an Aldila Ascent Blue 40/A. The Kai Li Blue has a nice solid feel and mid launch & trajectory .. but the Pro Force felt smoother to me plus gave me the kick & launch I was looking for! My gamer clubs are still in transit back from Nebraska (great trip!!) so need to put it up against the Aldila soon...
  11. Hah well you are in a good position to get there! Me? ..doubt I'll live long enough.... So I'll go with the old Bob Hope line: "Went out golfing to shoot my age .. ended up shooting my weight instead"
  12. I can also recommend Monte Scheinblum - I've been to his in person clinics four years in a row and have gotten a LOT out of them!! He is comfortable teaching golfers of any level .. I call myself an average bogey recreational golfer .. and I've seen both lesser skilled and more skilled players vs me at his clinics. The group sizes are 8 to 10 so there is plenty of time for plenty of one on one with him. He also does video / online coaching. He runs the clinics all around the country - check rebelliongolf.com for more info.
  13. Yeah I've seen that in myself but nfw I could try to explain why .. other than it's in our heads... First one you're relaxed and swinging your swing .. ok .. next one you're trying to repeat that first nice result and......... I try to keep reminding myself that... Practice is about the process Playing is about the results
  14. That's solid customer service! If I were on the market for an electric trolley I'd look at this one, but funny enough I steady have an MGI Zip Navigator received as a gift.
  15. Beautiful kitty cat! And friendly!! I had a fluffy cat (and her name was Fluffy ) some years ago that looked very similar .. just a little lighter coloring .. and was also very friendly and dog like.
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