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The Dansome

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Posts posted by The Dansome

  1. I am regretfully removing myself from consideration. Just got a look at what is in store for me over the next couple of months with a house I'm rehabbing and I'll be lucky if I can even find time to play let alone put in the hours to work through a review up to the readers standards here. Maybe next time around-ier.


    Classy move. Mad respect for this.

  2. I still think the should send one to me and let me review the back of the crown for forgiveness or see how many yards a lefty can get swinging backwards IER!


    Can't you just flip it toe down? Then we could test the ultimate forgiveness on off-center toe hits

  3. 6.4

    RBZ 14.5° w/ Grafalloy BiMatrix S flex

    Rescue '11 18° with Oban Kiyoshi 100 04 flex


    I was also going to go with MBP-ier, but I see that it's taken already :) Plus I don't think anyone could actually be more MBP-ier than the original.


    So depending on the timing of club arrival the beginning of my review could be much snow-ier or cold weather-ier than normal leading to more of an AboutGolf Simulator-ier review for the first couple sessions before getting onto the course.


    Who is this guy, I like him!

  4. Well then.


    I am a QA Analyst for a digital web marketing agency. Like ski I skipped college but due to the fact my parents owned a pet supplies store business (if ya wanna know anything about pet food etc I'm a wealth of info) and I thought I was just going to inherit it. Boy was I wrong, somebody sold and retired. Anyways stumbled into QA @ 30 through a job at Electronic Arts and here I am today.

  5. Got out for 9 this morning in the beautiful sun and the 4°c (39.2°F) temperatures. You could tell pulling the club outta the bag on the first tee exactly what I had been doing for the last 2 weeks and not swinging a single club; slouching at a desk working 135 hours. Man it didn't feel right and it was hard to get comfortable with my posture. I managed to muscle out a 5 iron to 20 feet on 1 and got up and down for par. I was just off all day trying to swing as smooth as possible. The good thing was I was able to go only 5 over for 9 with terrible putting.


    I'm sure hitting to ball felt off to begin with due to my choice of ball today. Probably the worst ball I've hit feel wise in the last 5 years. I reached in the closet before the round and pulled out a trial pack of Trispeed Tour that Srixon had sent me a few seasons back. I was was actually excited think, "oh Srixon these are bound to be something low compression and soft." Well it couldn't have been more the opposite. These things felt like rocks and are quite clicky off the putter. On top of it from what I could tell on my good swings they're about a half club shorter. Man I don't know what other peoples experiences are like with these but to me they're terrible.


    With that said the company was good today and yes ladies, those are high heel rubber boots.



  6. It wasn't official. I took my GF & a cart, jumped around between foursomes, so I didn't play a complete round & my witness was a non-player along for the ride. LOL


    But I promise ya that I had more fun out on #14 green when it got dark than I would've in the men's grill tryin to weasel my way outa buyin drinks..LOL


    Fairways & Greens 4ever


    If it took one shot and went in the hole, I'm saying we got ourselves a hole in one here folks! Official, smishial, you gut yourself a hole in one there dude.

  7. Awesome to hear Richard, keep it up. All of us have been rooting for you. Plus you still owe me a beer from that hole in one you got a while back ;)


    I'm sorry, are we still cashing in on a past hole in one here? If so sign this guy up!

  8. Well, I've been in Cleveland all week at the Clinic so I didn't get to play, though I brought a few(LOL) putters and waste my evenings having putting contests with myself. I also brought my 12' artificial "green."


    I sank a 12'er to win the Sr. Mid-Am though I missed an 8'er to win the State Sr. Am..lol.


    Oh, and that kid who beat me in the club championship this year? Ha, I got even and ran not one, but two putts on #17 & 18 to beat him one up. One was 8'(birdie) & the other was 10'(par).


    Man, if only the game was this easy..lol


    The Best



    Fairways & Greens 4ever


    So you've been at the clinic all week. AND??????? Is all good? are you feeling better? You're healthy?

  9. I suspect you'll see a few more of these rainy day pics. The rain wasn't that bad, it was fairly mild and excellent company really brings out the best even in less then perfect weather.


    Plus the course we went to would be PERFECT for testing out the irons or wedges should either of us be selected. Lots of variety and possible shot making from different conditions.


    We gotta do a Cove review. It truly is the ultimate little course.

  10. Well I played quite well today considering I hadn't been on a course in almost a month. Hit it pretty darn solid I must say. But the best part about the round was the Tuna sighting. Ya that's right no rain was gonna stop this guy from 9 holes at my favorite stomping grounds with the SUPER TUNA! It was a really, really fun day with a fantastic guy. Good thing was Nidine who didn't want to play in the pouring rain wandered out on the 7th hole for some photo ops.




    I gotta say the moment of the day was when he called me out on the 3rd tee with "did you just call a; be the right club?" um yes... I said it.. 6 footer for bird in my defense :P





    Gonna hang her on the wall



    In my instructor pose



    Yes... I ripped my pants :)



    Tuna Woods just misses one



    I like my position



    I really like how the Tuna drives down through the ball



    Tuna redemption



    And always acknowledge the gallery when you finally roll a bird in on the last hole


  11. There are a lot of class acts on this site, & we've had a lot of new guys jumpin in and I think that we have the Tour Contest to thank for that. But the reason for this post is to thank two guys who've donated, and the badges don't do 'em justice, cuz they both are great contributors along with comin up big on the donation front. I'm talkin about Kygolfer & manbearpig(Dan). They get it!


    They're class acts and we're much better for havin 'em. And I know Dan has expanded my understanding of the endangered species list. Yep Dude, I'm better off for having met ya..lol


    The Best and Thanx



    Fairways & Greens 4ever


    Um I almost got a little tear going @ work... Thanks so much RP that means a lot.

  12. It's been a good week Danno. Had the radiation the past two weeks so it was a long couple of weeks. Got out Sunday and didn't play that great(77), but it was a beautiful day and I felt good so I've adjusted my bar on what constitutes a "great" day.


    I'm back to playin 4-5 times this week, so hopefully my scores'll drop.


    Thanks for askin Dude, it means a lot.


    Fairways & Greens 4ever


    Great to hear hopefully the scores will be back to normal too.


    You went daily I assume? My day did 37 straight days of treatment on his. I guess there's a formula he said for how many days you need to go it. Sounds like they caught you early enough and got things under control which is fantastic, cause I was really worried about your balls in the other thread.

  13. Great news about the sand. We have 1 sand bunker on the whole course. And that has only been there for a month. A few years ago we renovated 9 holes, and the designer took out the sand bunkers and put in grass bunkers. This was supposed to be the wave of the future easier to maintain and would speed up play because you did not have to rake the bunkers. The older nine holes had a few sand bunkers. Of course, it turned out not to speed up play, because you rarely have to look for a ball in a sand bunker. In the grass bunker the ball would bury and it was difficult to find. And of course you can not spin a ball out of a grass bunker. Everybody hates the grass bunkers. Sand bunkers are more intimidating but really much easier to hit out of with the proper technique.


    When we renovated the other 9 holes (actually 10 because we rebuilt one hole that was already done), we went back to sand bunkers including those from the earlier change. We have a bunch 70+ "sand" bunkers now, however, we have grass in them and will not have sand in them until next year. Some of the new ones do not even have much grass so they are played as lift, clean, and place. The greens are nice but a few bunkers are still a work in progress. Speaking of which, the start on the new clubhouse next week.


    So, while I used to be pretty decent out of the sand, I have only been in sand bunkers 6 times this year. This is one reason why I am spending time the next two days with the 64* wedge. I thought about taking my 60 * Sure Out Hogan but I like the 64* better. Especially out of wet sand.


    Dude, one sand trap on the whole frickin course? That's incredible! I read on another thread where ya said that you'd give up two toes & a testicle to play Augusta.


    I'd keep the toes, but I'd give up a testicle to play a one sand trap club as my home track! I had prostrate cancer & fried 'em so it ain't no big thang!.lol


    One sand trap? I'm definitely comin down to play. How long from the tips?


    Fairways & Greens 4ever


    One trap would greatly speed up play in our house. Trust me when I say if there's a bunker Nidine's ball will find it.


    BTW, RP how you feeling these days?

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