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The Dansome

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Posts posted by The Dansome

  1. We've added some explanations to the first post better explaining the template naming conventions etc. Here's a recap:

    It's hard to tell if a ball is going exactly 2 yards or 6 or 10 yards less or further, but most will be able to say "same, better or less"

    Trajectory - high, mid, low
    Should be self explanatory

    Suck back - high spin
    Hop & stop - great spin
    Release some -trends to run out a bit
    Roll out - there's no coming back

    Feel - firm, crunchy, soft, mushy
    Should be self explanatory

    Durability (1 round) - like new, scuffed but payable, rough shape
    Should be self explanatory

    Gamer - could replace or become part of current rotation
    Casual - would play again if given or found
    Avoid - do not like

    Notes or writeup:
    Use this section to tell us everything you thought about the ball, compare it to other balls and all other observations

  2. Great idea, except for this- for frame of reference, could we include ratings of the current gamer ball? Of course, sticking to the template, plain and simple. I think this would be almost necessary to triangulate in on ball performance- to show differences between two balls, while also showing the plain uncorrupted take on the new ball.

    Review your current gamer seperately, link to it with each new review and then do a comparison in your additional write ups?

  3. Love the idea. Are you going to keep a living list on the first post that'll list the balls reviewed within the thread?



    Grip n Rip it



    Never mind. Scrolled to fast the first read. My bad.



    Grip n Rip it


    Oh why yes


    Glad you like! I think we could build the ultimate ball guide for our members, by our members. The key will be sticking to the template and using the same naming conventions.

  4. ... Here is the thing for many of us. We are constantly bombarded by "noise", although admittedly much of it is very pleasant noise. That said, stores have music, my car has music, grocery stores have announcements and muzac and even pumping gas there are screens with "noise" telling me the news or how to get a gas card. Fwiw, I have an audiophile sound system and sit and listen to music like a concert at least several times a week and have a 75" TV hooked up to my sound system so I am not against technology and embrace it. The neighborhood kids can hear it from our lawn. ;)  


    ... That said, I play golf to commune with nature and get away from the noise. I want to hear the geese, squirrels, wind, screeching hawks flying over head and anything else the serenity of nature provides. I also want to hear the silence that is so hard to come by in this techno world we live in. The golf course is one of the few places I can find that in the suburbs of Chicago and I am sure most places where golf is played. 


    ... So I get some of you wanna drink, have some fun and listen to music but you should not impose on those that are trying to enjoy one of the very few activities left that condone the silence of just being. You got some friends that feel the same as you and keep the music low enough so the group behind or in front can't hear you? I don't see that as a problem at all and it certainly doesn't bother me. But I have played with a 2 some that joined us and when they asked if it was OK to play music I said "No. We prefer the sounds of golf"  they acted like I just called them the worst ethnic slur. 



  5. Personally, I cannot stand to hear groups playing (or blaring) music from across the fairway. I've also teamed up with a few people from time to time to move play along a little quicker and they turn music on in the middle of a round. Drives me absolutely nuts.


    I feel like golfing, at least for me, is a chance to break away from my normal routine and just have a bit of quite time. Unless I hit a crazy good shot, then its not so quite anymore.


    Just wonder how everyone felt about it? Think its a golf course sin? Or an acceptable practice? Would love to hear everyone's opinion!

    Amen! Long time friends asked me not to come out anymore last year because I don't like it...

  6. Some people that want to compare low vs high cost putters but I think looking at how putter design impacts the putting stroke. Heavy vs light, heel vs center shafted, full offset vs no offset, face balanced vs toe hang.


    Basically test the generally accepted statements of SBST = face balanced arced = toe hang. Heavier is more stable. Putter perpendicular to the target line is important at setup.


    Ultimately how should you pick the best putter for you game



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    The point of the cheap vs boutique is that a lot of this high cost putters are not fitted and consumers buy pretty much based on looks. So lets see how one of those putters racks up against an el cheapo.

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