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Posts posted by waternickel

  1. On 3/28/2020 at 10:20 AM, Scientific Golfer said:

    Thanks for the suggestions. The wall think doesn't particularly help since it's not going to show my how to avoid the wall, and damage us likely to occur to the club when it would not the wall. Plus the club has to go back to some degree. To avoid the wall completely one would likely need a purely lifting manipulation and no turn. Even if I did do that I feel like I'd be trying to replace one fault with another.
    I'm a member at a country club , so I have access to a grass driving range (except right now with it closed and the government order to stay at home). I have a PVC pipe circle training aid on order (hopefully I'll get it in about a week) in the hopes that it will help me feel what the correct position/movement feels like, and possible groove it through repetition.
    Thanks for your input.

    There's also I training aid I read up on over the weekend called the chiliwacker. Funny name, sound concept IMHO.

  2. 3 hours ago, Scientific Golfer said:

    Thanks for the suggestions. The wall think doesn't particularly help since it's not going to show my how to avoid the wall, and damage us likely to occur to the club when it would not the wall. Plus the club has to go back to some degree. To avoid the wall completely one would likely need a purely lifting manipulation and no turn. Even if I did do that I feel like I'd be trying to replace one fault with another.
    I'm a member at a country club , so I have access to a grass driving range (except right now with it closed and the government order to stay at home). I have a PVC pipe circle training aid on order (hopefully I'll get it in about a week) in the hopes that it will help me feel what the correct position/movement feels like, and possible groove it through repetition.
    Thanks for your input.

    Slow backswings, just to get the feeling; I'm a rote learner due to years of being a classical musician and repetition works well for me. If you have instagram, Luke Donald has a good video on this. 

    Check out LD's video here

  3. This is good if you need things like angle of attack and the other 7 stats that the + offers that the OG mevo doesn't. Also, if you have paypal credit you should be able to get this for 6 months interest free financing. That's usually what I do for my bigger golf purchases.

    With that being said, I'm most likely going to get the + come fall. I may be trying out for my university's team and would like to be able to really 'dial-in' my practice routine.

  4. I use them while warming up because the hitting bays are angled differently than the driving range itself; leading to some weird things happening for the first few holes. I use two alignment sticks, one for my feet and one for the starting line of the ball. I use the one for the ball to have a reference for face angle so I can practice draws/fades and see what I can/cannot hit that particular day.

    Also, I wouldn’t buy golf alignment aids; go to your local hardware store and get driveway reflectors, I paid $2 each.

  5. A wall will help with the first half of your takeaway. Practice chipping with your rear up against the wall, start with what would be a 5-yard bump and run and work your way up to where the shaft is parallel with the ground.

    Do you practice on turf or on a mat? If on turf, an alignment stick stuck into the ground at a (steepish*) angle can be used to give feedback if you have laid off too far. If playing on a mat you might have to get a bit creative; my coach and I have designed a contraption using PVC pipes and a pool noodle that’s adjustable and extendable. 

    *Steepish because you may have to overexaggerate with a steeper swing plane in order to make quicker progress. Practice slow, take 100 swings a day (if possible) for 2-3 days. 2-3 days should be enough to engrain change without (hopefully) becoming too steep.


    **Well, after reading your post a second time I see that you'd probably dislike these. Sorry.

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