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Mr. Mushball

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About Mr. Mushball

  • Birthday 10/15/1975

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland, OR

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
    Weekend Golfer
  • Biggest Strength
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  • Fitted for Clubs

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Mr. Mushball's Achievements

  1. I just calculated mine using the most recently posted rounds using the tool @GolfSpy_BEN posted at the first post of this thread. It came up with 42.6 VCT index for the last 3 rounds. That gives me a CH of 41 for the round I played yesterday. For my playing partner @Placasse61, I come up with an 18 VCT index based on the last three posted rounds.
  2. Date 07/24/2024 Course Name Rose City Gross Score 110 Course Rating 68.6 Course Slope 116 Gross Strokes over/under par 38 Birdies or better 9 Longest Drive 203 The first of two submissions this week. Hopefully this won't be the tournament submission, though did well for myself for this course. I'd like to find more than two pars per round as at my handicap those count as net eagles! No warmup led to a rough start. Started to get ahold of it a bit towards the middle of the first half, but still felt like I stunk it up a bunch. Seeing that I pulled the back 9 in a bit and hit a PB for the course but felt gameplay was terrible means that greater things are ahead. #15 was a near birdie miss for an easy par. Putting was significantly better on the back due to improved short game play, was really having a tough time chipping and getting the green speed down on the front. Looking forward to another swipe at a gold star round this Sunday where we play Stone Creek.
  3. Date 07/21/2024 Course Name Eastmoreland Gross Score 118 Course Rating 70 Course Slope 122 Gross Strokes over/under par 46 Birdies or better 8 Longest Drive 222 Rough start and some bumpy patches. Couldn't find my swing until the 2nd have and still lost it from time to time. Still, seemed to fall more in putting on this round and played a similar round as the last few. Tied my PB for this course. If you feel like you are doing worse but are on a plateau, things are about to get better.
  4. I'm hitting pretty good these days. Got 9 net birdies on a half, should be no problem to clear the competition.
  5. Date 07/17/2024 Course Name Heron Lakes Greenback Gross Score 60 Course Rating 34.1 Course Slope 122 Gross Strokes over/under par 24 Birdies or better 9 Longest Drive 208 A 9-hole for warm up to next week's shenanigans. Not bad, but not great. Had a good start then kinda fell apart. Hot and cold, but more cold overall. Putting was in the dumps. I'd say it was mostly because I found so much sand, but once I was on I was getting distance down pretty well. The three putts were just poor execution of either being over confident or hitting too hard for these greens.
  6. There is an option to follow a thread and get some regular updates (per post, daily, weekly). Other than that, gotta check in from time to time.
  7. Date 07/14/2024 Course Name Glendoveer G&TC West Course Gross Score 108 Course Rating 65.8 Course Slope 114 Gross Strokes over/under par 37 Birdies or better 10 Longest Drive 236 A fine day. Had a bit of a struggle on the back nine but didn't suffer as much as I thought I had. Finishing with a birdie doesn't hurt. All of this and I pulled out my driver for all of the long holes and wasn't punished too bad, even though only half of the drives went anywhere close to where I planned. #6 was the worst of it, slicing across the other side of #5 for a long recovery, but managed to still not do so bad. A lot less red on this card. 9 on a par three is kinda embarrassing, but keeping my putts in the low 30's is reassuring.
  8. Mine may be in different countries. Any recommendations for a track around Ottawa?
  9. Date 07/07/2024 Course Name Glendoveer G&TC East Course Gross Score 115 Course Rating 66 Course Slope 118 Gross Strokes over/under par 42 Net Score to Par 42 Birdies or better 9 Longest Drive 0 A "better" round than the one played on Thursday at the same course. Gross wise two shots worse, but for HC reasons it turned out with a lower differential. Played for skins this round to see how The Grint handled it and wound up taking the pot. Too lazy to get the screen shots off of the phone to post here tonight, but had 9 to 4 and 2. Worked a bit on setup and grip consistency before each shot. Mostly improved aside from holes 6-8 for the most part and had some trouble. Also fell down on #15 after a good drive where it missed just right. Had 3 GIRs, two on par 3's. That's a rarity for myself.
  10. That's the smart play. It was a last minute booking yesterday. Plus @Eddy Dragonetti (my usual partner) and I have PDP memberships there that get us discounted rounds and a free cart in the afternoons. We play earlier if we choose a full price course. Thinking of playing FH soon, it's been a while.
  11. Thanks. This answers my question somewhat. My curiosity is even a bit more nit-picky. The courses I play most regularly are par 71 and 73 respectively. Is that considered at all, or an 85 (dream goal currently) is considered the same for both courses? It's not really going to change my choice of where I play, again this is just wonky curiosity. Thanks for running the show!
  12. Date 07/04/2024 Course Name Glendoveer G&TC East Course Gross Score 113 Course Handicap 36 Gross Strokes over/under par 40 Net Score to Par 4 Net Score 77 Net Birdies or better 0 Longest Drive 0 Ugh, got hot today. Also stiffish. Also started drinking way too early. Someone my age should have learned by now. But, it's good training for Sunday's round. 91°F today, 101°F forecast for Sunday. Didn't do my best, or my worst. Slow play and a rowdy couple that we joined up with on the 7th hole let me lose a bit of focus. Also, trying new swing feels on the course usually doesn't help, so not feeling terrible about the outcome. Once I learned how to straighten out with more lag I was hitting 15-20 yards further. Three whiffs on tee shots don't do a score justice, and my overcorrected pull put my FIR down a bit from last round. Broke 15 putts on the back 9, so was a great putting day. Had four barely missed putts from 30+ feet, so short game needs some work. Still a good average round for myself on this course.
  13. Glad you did well! Our flight should be shrinking soon...
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