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Posts posted by CMurphGolf

  1. 2 hours ago, MGoBlue100 said:

    Welcome!  I also play Bridgestone pretty exclusively, and I've been lucky enough to visit their ball factory in GA once upon a time.  I don't ever notice "weird anomalies" with BStone balls, and I think we usually all know when we hit one kind of sketchy.  I suppose if it's in your mind, try a different ball that has close to the same characteristics (LOTS of good info on this site) and see if that ball works for you.  We all need to have a clear mind and eliminate as many variables as possible to have any chance at this bloody game.

    Again, "Welcome!", and I agree:  Fix Your Ball Marks.

    Thank you, appreciate your post!

  2. Depends on what the “bad” is….ball out of round?  Size disparity? Off center weight distribution?  Compression not uniform?

     I imagine one can check the size and roundness with a tool of some sort. The others I am at a loss for….There used to be a home “spinning” device that could tell you if the ball spun true, but I have no idea if it actually works.

    The way I see it: play the ball you like for spin and distance and don't worry about the mini defects.  If its in your head, switch to a Titleist (they have great True Price ratings).  Free advice - so by definition worth nothing

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