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Posts posted by MichaelMueller

  1. On 5/6/2023 at 8:27 PM, alfriday101 said:

    I highly recommend Evidence Based Golf by Bob Christina, PHD and Eric Alpenfels.  Subtitled "Improve Your Game Using Scientific Recommendations that Really Work.  It fits in nicely with The Practice Manual.  


    Christina is an expert in learning and performance of movement sports.  Alpenfels is a master teacher and coaching golf pro at the Pinehurst Academy.  Together, they look at ways golfers can improve their games and examine which approaches, such as drills, work best for most golfers.  


    It is not a typical instruction manual, in that it doesn't discuss swing positions or specific mechanics.  


    The book provides results from tests done at the Pinehurst Academy.  For example, Chapter 6 looks at 9 different drills commonly recommended by teaching pros and used by golfers to improve distance.  117 golfers were randomly assigned to do one of the drills, 13 per group.  Each group is pretested, does the drill, and are then post tested to see improvement.  The drills:  1.  Clip the tee, 2. Feet together, 3.Swing the Club Head, 4. Short Finish, 5. Left Foot Up, 6.Miss the head Cover, 7. Weighted Club Head, 8.Swing the Handle and 9.Toe Up.  (Each Drill is descried well.  The results are compared and the most effective drills are ranked.  Spoiler alert, Clip the Tee and Feet Together were best for improving carry distance.  


    They compare drills for improving impact position, enhancing shoulder turn, correcting a slice, sand shots, chipping drills, putting drills and others areas of the game.  Learning which drills are most effective can really save time and effort in improving your game.  I used to practice putting with a chalk line.  After reading the book, I changed to practicing with a string line above the ball and saw an immediate improvement in my short putting.

    Part 6 of the book is "Get the Most Out of Your Practice."  This section applies a lot of the concepts from The Practice Manual into practical advice on how to do almost any drill or how to maximize the effectiveness of training aids.  I wish all teaching pros would read this section and pass the information onto their students.  A lot less time would get wasted on the practice range.  The sections talks about approaches that maximize learning/retention of the new skill and how to practice so that the skill transfers to the course.  Good stuff.    







    Evidence Based Golf by Bob Christina is indeed a great book

  2. On 4/24/2023 at 3:30 PM, Dooby said:

    Hey All,

    I am getting ready to go on a few trips this year with long travel times between flights and planes. I was wondering if people have any recommendations for golf books. I’m about to finish The Practice Manual by Adam Young and have enjoyed it as I am a pretty new to actually playing golf (been a fan of the game for years). 

    A couple others on my list are Paper Tiger by Tom Coyne and The Four Foundations of Golf by Jon Sherman. 

    Any and all recommendations are welcome. Thanks. 
    There are many excellent books for all tastes. I also recommend Golf is Not a Game of Perfect by Dr. Bob Rotella. Right now I'm just doing lab report writing and am a bit busy using https://essays.edubirdie.com/lab-report-writing for that. So I would give you even more options. When I get free, I will definitely look for something else for you.

    Golf is Not a Game of Perfect & Putting Out Of Your Mind  - is so good!

  3. Wow, congrats! Stories like this one are so inspirational to me. Studying at university is pretty complicated for me, and I dedicate a lot of effort and time to studying. But when I want to give up, I think about other people, who face way more troubles, but don't give up. And it inspires me so much. And now, there are a lot of educational resources, which help me a lot with my studies. It can be blogs, other informational sources, or this homepage where I can get help with writing. And I believe that it's great that nowadays we have access to so many resources because it makes education more accessible to all students.

  4. On 3/19/2019 at 11:21 PM, drewmun247 said:

    I enjoyed all three non fiction Tom Coyne books:

    A Course Called Scotland

    A Course Called Ireland 

    Paper Tiger




    Last of the Breed by Louis Lamore is actually a great book. I read it last month and really liked it. I like reading, but books about bowhunting are not my favorite, to be honest. I prefer reading detective, crime books, or classical literature. I'm a literature student, so classic is what I read the most often. And also, sometimes I write articles, and the last two were about archery and hunting. Although I have some experience, I had trouble, so I used some information I found online. On this source https://paperap.com/, I also read a few examples, which helped me to understand what I can write about. And in a result, I managed to finish it. Maybe, I need to read more books about bowhunting and have more practice to be more experienced.

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