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Blaine Dye

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About Blaine Dye

  • Birthday 12/10/1994

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Springdale A.R.
  • Interests
    golfing obviously and i also enjoy fly fishing and tying

Player Profile

  • Age
    29 and under
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Sorry everyone and especially sorry to all the readers between the newborn baby and moving to a bigger house and trying to get everything back in order haven't had a lot of free time let alone time to golf finally was able to go out and play 9 holes yesterday and it felt like I'm back to square one played terrible driving irons wedges putter it didn't matter so i cant make a great evaluation on the putter I'm going again on Monday and hopefully i remember how to play!
  2. Sorry i have not been updating here lately my son was born so haven't had a lot of time to get on the course or anything like that
  3. Still absolutely Loving the AIONE putter i have noticed my putting game getting better week by week and its a great feeling as somebody who always has struggled with putting
  4. Went and rolled some putts in are weekly scramble now that it is started back up only had 3 2 putts and 0 3 putts ( 9 hole course) the flat stick felt great probably my best day of putting this putter just keeps impressing me and keeps me wanting to come out and get better also had a great day with my irons and chipping so that helped alot to
  5. Little update on how it's going so far I am still loving the putter finally had some beautiful weather and got to start playing more often and one under rated thing that I have noticed is I no longer feel like I have to hit it to wither 3-4 feet I have expanded my area on the green I target because I feel so much more comfortable with this putter she is still rolling true and looks beautiful
  6. Went out after work and knocked out 9 holes finally got to actually play and I must say the facts and practice held true did not have one 3 putt which for me is a huge deal granted it was my first time on the course this year so my irons and tee shots were off but once I got to the green i was locked in I'm hoping with this new confidence on the green I can break 80 this year but we will see
  7. Wish it would have been there before the test choice but i seen the just released a JailBird style with all the hype in PGA regarding the Jailbird would love to see if this one performs like the Original
  8. Final review is up saved my pictures incorrectly so was not able to upload them i will do that after work hope yall enjoy
  9. i think i answered this in the milled chat but made a nice putt from about 30 foot was working on my lag putting and just happen to read it and hit it perfectly
  10. 1. mine personally has held up great i take a little better care of it then i did my wilson its either getting used or has a cover on it 2. compared to what i had the tech is defiantly for real i go into more detail in that in my final review 3. it was on the practice green but i hit a right to left putt that broke about a foot from roughly 40' was working on my lag putting and drained it
  11. Finally had a beautiful day yesturday went out and practiced for about 2 hours on putting and chipping ( i learned i am already out of golf shape my back is feeling it today) by the end of the practice it was to the point you may has well put a laser sight on my putter because i was locked in and felt like i was making/withing a foot on every putt i have so much more confidence standing over this putter and that confidence has really been a game changer i also re did my putt putt challenge since i lost all my files and pictures when my phone broke i will be posting those later today once i get home
  12. Hopefully we will see tomorrow just got off the phone with Verizon and it will be at my store in the morning since they didn't have any of my phone in stock
  13. Went out and hit some shots on the putting green yesterday and i can honestly say it was one of the best putting sessions I have had went around a club length away and went 9/10 i went two clubs away and went 7/10 so I backed it up to roughly 12 feet and that's where the struggles came but I have always struggled from farther away typically though i hit it to hard i have noticed i was leaving them short anywhere from 3inches to a foot the consistency is there and i am getting use to the weight now where it is a lot less of a burden unfortunately i dropped my phone and broke the screen while getting in the truck to leave so I lost my pictures of my practice and my putt putt video but all that means is I get more practice and get to do it again once my new phone comes in hopefully today
  14. Im so torn on this putter on one hand it is reliable an goes where you want it to but i just feel like i am consistently leaving putts short i think its because this is the first putter i have every used that wasnt a mallet style but im getting better this putter is light i wish i had a good comparison but compared to my mallet style it is very light really hoping this weather stays away for the weekend i would love to get a real round in and not just carpet and putting green but we will see
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