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Michael.Sandoval33 last won the day on February 25

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About Michael.Sandoval33

  • Birthday 05/02/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Long Beach, California
  • Interests
    Golf, video games, cars, anime, other sports. Spending time with my fiance and my dog Mr. Pickles (to you).

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
  • Player Type
    Weekend Golfer
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Were you able to order them through the custom shop or was it a Pak? I was also thinking of taking a route similar to yours and trying out the 7i in the mean time.
  2. Went to Costa Mesa country club to utilize their grass range which is much better than the last grass "range" I visited. Iron swing is becoming very repeatable and I'm liking it. Now, I'm looking to generate more power from it. 175 Max isn't bad with my 4i but obviously it all could be better. Putting and chipping was pretty solid today, slowed things down a bit and took my time. Qi10 Max made a short appearance, 4 swings to be exact. All 4 were good but nothing special. Key takeaway: it's getting there.
  3. I appreciate it but since I'm not a club builder, I was going to have GW complete the assembly. So, the wait begins.
  4. So unfortunately Maltby gang, GW is out of the 5i and PW on the TS3s... Of course, right when I finally decided to pull the trigger after flip flopping around on my decision. GW said it's looking like they won't be back until Late September
  5. Took the bag out to the mats for a bucket today. Started off well with wedges, then swapping in between irons every few shots aiming at different targets. Still working to keep my swing more repeatable but I'm seeing improvement. Wouldn't know how to swing the Qi10 Max with an instruction manual today, though. Just couldn't find the feel of my stance in any way and it was throwing me off. Afterwards, putting was so-so. Everything was rolling pretty short but the lines weren't the worst. Wedge practice was mainly with a 56°, which started out rough (pun intended) but got better after a few swings. Pretty nice day of practice
  6. Good evening everybody it's been a couple days. Been mainly focused on school and getting some things ready for what may come in 9 months when my first 2 years is up. Was watching The Open all weekend, Xander crushed it on the back 9 today. Just out walking Mr. Pickles and something has his attention Enjoy the rest of the day ya'll
  7. Are you playing the Ventus at the stock playing length or have you had it trimmed at all?
  8. My last two outings I have taken the RX ball out and have had a great amount of success with them using both driver and irons. It's hard to knock a great feeling ball, but around the greens is still a mystery with the Bridgestones. Going to try the RXS and XS soon.
  9. Headed to Willowick GC today for the first time to try out their "grass" range which has been brutalized and filled in with sand. Still, swing was good just all terrible lies and footing. Afterwards spent good time chipping and putting. Qi10 Max was solid on its few hits once again. The course is nice enough that I will be back to play it next week, just didn't have the mindset today when I left to play 18.
  10. Another review and the first 100/100 I have seen here so far. Just curious because I may have missed it, did you have to order the 52° separately? No matter what, awesome job.
  11. @MIGregB great and detailed final review! Edging me even closer into a Titleist fitting very soon
  12. Hit the range today just going through swing motion over and over trying to repeat it. Doesn't make for the most interesting practice day to talk about but not a bad one. Hit a few Qi10 Max darts that felt really good. Putting was decent but nowhere near good.
  13. Good evening gang, Mondays and Tuesdays are for studying and class so that has been my day. Also on the docket tomorrow is an appointment with a new doctor, can't put it off forever I guess. Besides that, I hope you all had a good start to the week!
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