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About StevieV

  • Birthday 04/30/1991

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southwestern, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    A few times per month
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

StevieV's Achievements

  1. I'd love to try the mindset balls, but the fitting suggested e12 Contact (which I already like to play).
  2. What is the Cut Number? It will be +3 Who will be the low amateur? Christo Lamprecht Raw Finish
  3. Hey @Jim Shaw, Feel free to ask! I'll do my best to answer. Sorry I missed this reply. Being so new to the forum I'm still figuring it out a bit, but happy to help you out if I can. Have a great day, StevieV
  4. Hey @Jim Shaw, Unfortunately, I've never gotten to play at Saugeen Golf Club, but i have heard good things! I can't say much else about it though that you wouldn't be able to find via Google. If you were planning a trip or visit I may just say that area of Southern Ontario can feel a little tucked away from other attractions, but we aren't too far. Lake Huron is beautiful in the summer too, though I'm not sure if there is much sandy beach in Port Elgin area (sometimes that way is more stone beach). Anyway, I've heard great things about the course and since you brought it up I'm going to put it on my list to play next season. Cheers, SteveV
  5. How would you describe the perfect round of golf? I love golf because there is no single answer or description of the perfect round. Think about it, what's your perfect round? Your score would be a good one, maybe a PB. Sure, you're bombing drives in the fairway and sticking shots close from 160 out. But, is there much better than those epic recovery shots that come after a mistake - splashing from a bunker, drawing around a tree after an errant drive, or draining a long putt? Maybe it's more about the people you're with - those epic groups: scramble groups going low, or beer guzzling good-times with the squad. Is there much better than getting to bond with your in-laws over something you all can get out and enjoy together, or sharing your passion with your child/ren and going through the life lessons taught by golf with them. Sometimes, it's also best out there alone - focusing on your game, clearing your mind, just taking in the beauty of the course. With that said, maybe your perfect round is in the blazing sun with firm greens. That cool morning dew round also has a special place. Hell, sometimes a round indoors on a sim feels perfect (coming from a Canadian who yearns for a round the game when winter hits). And just like that I'm looking up tee times for tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing you describe your perfect round. Cheers
  6. Hey GolfSpies, Thanks for letting me come aboard, I'm excited to be a member. I've been around golf and swinging a club for most of my life, but really only took on golf as my main sport in the last 5 years. When i head out on the course these days I'm planning on shooting below 90, hoping to shoot 84, but am aware a is still a real possibility any day. Simply, I love everything about golf. It's so versatile as a sport and social activity. There isn't much better than bombing it down a fairway, flushing an iron approach, splashing out of a bunker, or rolling a long putt in (not to mention cold beers and laughs with the group). Joined golfspy after using them as a resource to better understand equipment out there for golfers of all levels. You'll find me up in Canada, along the Lake Huron coastline. Best: lots of courses, ranging in price and difficulty. Worst: snow on the ground for too many months of the year. Happy to be here and looking forward to learning from yall and contributing to the convo. Cheers!
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