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  1. I think it is specific to the Stealth Plus model. The separation issue may be due to the new carbon face material, which is thinner and lighter than the previous titanium face. This material may crack under pressure, and some Stealth Plus drivers may have hairline cracks that could lead to separation. TaylorMade has been replacing Stealth Plus drivers with this issue. If you own a Stealth Plus driver, inspect it for cracks. If you find cracks, just contact TaylorMade customer service for a replacement.
  2. Guys, what are the most important signs that my club fitter may identify as indicators of a need for adjustment and how can I best prepare for the club fitting session to ensure receiving the most accurate and effective recommendations? I am preparing to be student at one of the best universities and I am already consulting sources like https://ca.papersowl.com/write-my-thesis to get prepared in time and obtain help with my Master's thesis. Therefore, the educational proccess is very imprtant for me in this period of time and I value any professional help from academic experts.
  3. Wow, that's looks impressing. Mb that dude was aiming a golf hole)
  4. I've had the opportunity to try out a variety of steel shafts, and the True Temper Multi Step Lite is definitely one of my favorites. It's a great option for players who are looking for a lightweight, flexible shaft that can help them launch the ball higher and farther. I've found that the Multi Step Lite is particularly well-suited for players with slow to moderate swing speeds. The flexible tip section helps to generate extra clubhead speed, while the stiffer butt section provides stability and control. Overall, I recommend the True Temper Multi Step Lite shaft, if you are looking for a high-performance, lightweight shaft that can help you improve your game.
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