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    mgustin got a reaction from cksurfdude in 2020 Official Member Review: Exputt putting simulator   
    Black body, silver face. I can see how contrast would be important. Wonder if drawing black around the outer edge of the stickers might help with the contrast?
     Great job on the putting! Three putts can be killers. Big reason for my working on my EXPUTT! Hate giving up strokes and having my last 25 feet take more strokes than the first 375 yards. 
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    mgustin got a reaction from cnosil in 2020 Official Member Review: Exputt putting simulator   
    I have tried with and without lights, with one and two. 
    something new tonight: I cleaned the mat. Did not think it was dirty but maybe the shine was not right.  Used a lint roller and a soft brush. Best results I have had. Not sure if the soft brush picked up the nap a bit or what, but best results so far. Putted for about 30 minutes with probably half getting a reading! Still needs some tweaking, but much better. Ended the session with my last four made putts not registering any score. Figured that meant it was time to stop. 
    Thanks again for the responses. Knowing others are having success and are happy gives me a bit more impetus to keep tweaking. 
    Will try to move my set up a bit so I can try higher and will continue to try different lighting options  
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    mgustin got a reaction from cksurfdude in 2020 Official Member Review: Exputt putting simulator   
    I have tried with and without lights, with one and two. 
    something new tonight: I cleaned the mat. Did not think it was dirty but maybe the shine was not right.  Used a lint roller and a soft brush. Best results I have had. Not sure if the soft brush picked up the nap a bit or what, but best results so far. Putted for about 30 minutes with probably half getting a reading! Still needs some tweaking, but much better. Ended the session with my last four made putts not registering any score. Figured that meant it was time to stop. 
    Thanks again for the responses. Knowing others are having success and are happy gives me a bit more impetus to keep tweaking. 
    Will try to move my set up a bit so I can try higher and will continue to try different lighting options  
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    mgustin got a reaction from Preeway in 2020 Official Member Review: Exputt putting simulator   
    I have tried with and without lights, with one and two. 
    something new tonight: I cleaned the mat. Did not think it was dirty but maybe the shine was not right.  Used a lint roller and a soft brush. Best results I have had. Not sure if the soft brush picked up the nap a bit or what, but best results so far. Putted for about 30 minutes with probably half getting a reading! Still needs some tweaking, but much better. Ended the session with my last four made putts not registering any score. Figured that meant it was time to stop. 
    Thanks again for the responses. Knowing others are having success and are happy gives me a bit more impetus to keep tweaking. 
    Will try to move my set up a bit so I can try higher and will continue to try different lighting options  
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    mgustin got a reaction from cksurfdude in 2020 Official Member Review: Exputt putting simulator   
    Thanks for the responses. I am not giving up on the EXPUTT but am very frustrated. I really like the idea and even with the difficulties, the practice is improving my consistency. Just upset I cannot get readings consistently and unsure why it will read sometimes and not others. 
    I have the camera on a chair, approximately 24” up. The mat has the backstop towards the chair, the mat running straight away. My light sits below the camera facing away down the length of the mat. The camera picks up the mat and quickly locks in. 
    I have tried adding additional lights to the side shining away from the camera towards the putter head. I have also tried different lights in both places. 
    I have tried changing the ball placement within the putting area from front to back and for a few minutes thought I had it figured out. Then back to nothing. 
    One more issue probably every third day or so, the unit reads the ball path three to seven degrees to the left on every putt, resulting in significant misses. I shut it down, restart, and the ball path is reasonable again. The putter angle and path show no readings during this. 
    Have watched videos online and have not found anything glaring as to what I might be doing wrong. If any of you have a link that is especially good, I will watch and try again. 
    Appreciate the responses and ideas. Hopefully this is simply user error, but do far does not seem to be. 
  6. Sad
    mgustin got a reaction from cksurfdude in 2020 Official Member Review: Exputt putting simulator   
    The EXPUTT is a good idea, but in practice fails consistently. The unit picks up putter path and angle maybe five to ten percent of the time.  Customer service is slow to respond and offers simplistic solutions that have not worked. I have worked on my own solutions including areas of lighting, types of lighting, angle of lighting, sticker placement, ball placement, back stroke, fore stroke, nothing provides consistent results. Results not in my putting, rather simply in the unit providing any metrics. 
    The cost of the EXPUTT is fairly steep at $469 and I expected comparable value and performance for the cost. I recommended against the EXPUTT for both its very poor performance and the customer service. At $50 this would be a decent value. At almost $500, value is nowhere near cost. Good potential, poor implementation. 
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