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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Posts posted by jdasher206

  1. I get what you're asking for. 

    Just recently acquired a "new-to-me" Sirxon ZX5 driver and would like to share my experience. I am a long time taylor maid driver fan, Though after cracking the face of a rocketballz driver years ago and TM not offering me any sort of discount or replacement, led me to look elsewhere. I went down the rabbit hole of trying several drivers at the local golf shop but did not find anything I wanted to invest in. So I playes my old driver and did what a lot of people do these days and went to FB marketplace to look for a used driver under $200. In fall of 2022 I found a Ping G410 plus that looked almost new for $180. After watching some youtube reviews I pulled the trigger and bought it. I played at the reminder of that year and all of 2023 but I never felt like I could reliably trust it. Since the start of the 2024 season I kept my eyes out for a replacement. A 5 handicap buddy of mine who played a new Sirxon ZX5 mkII, Got me looking for recenr used Sirxon drivers. I got lucky and found a ZX5 with a sweet 50g Riptide stiff shaft and new red grip for $100. I took it to the range immediately and feel in love with rhe sound and feel when I hit well. I noticed when the miss hits still were straight and rolled out nicely. I have to-date played 5 rounds with it and one of those being in a Men's club tournament. The forgiving Sirxon driver has not let me down once, and never gets me too far out of position. The sound it makes brings immediate confidence to the golfer playing it and has been a game  changer for me. I have to say, forget the Brand names that "most" golfers play, and try out new brands. It has opened my eyes fore sure!

  2. Yesterday played in a Men's club event at Legion Memorial in Everett, WA "Best 12 holes".  Shot a 42 and took 3rd place worth $45. I shot 87 overall (my handicap is a 17.3). My game is coming along well after switching drivers (Went from G410+ to a ZX5) 2 weeks ago, so just grateful right now!

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