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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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  • Location
    Washington, IN

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
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fatewithabadge's Achievements

  1. This is my first year playing golf. I picked a hell of a year because me and my wife just had a baby at the start of the season. I quickly realized how expensive of a hobby i dove into (already to deep to get out now though). So to keep the wife happy I am trying to live out my golf dreams on a budget. I work during the weekend and take car of the little one during the week (getting the chance to escape for one golf outing a week). If you got a flexible schedule you need to do yourself a favor and look into golfnow. Its not life changing but it makes a round of golf more reasonable. I have been able to get a round of 18 with a cart for $12.75 using their hot deals on the day of. Most time i get a round for about 20 to 25 per 18. and they arent bad courses like you would expect at that price. I am sure most of you know of it already but i am just trying to spread the wealth for those who dont.
  2. This is my first year playing golf. I picked a hell of a year because me and my wife just had a baby at the start of the season. I quickly realized how expensive of a hobby i dove into (already to deep to get out now though). So to keep the wife happy I am trying to live out my golf dreams on a budget. I work during the weekend and take car of the little one during the week (getting the chance to escape for one golf outing a week). If you got a flexible schedule you need to do yourself a favor and look into golfnow. Its not life changing but it makes a round of golf more reasonable. I have been able to get a round of 18 with a cart for $12.75 using their hot deals on the day of. Most time i get a round for about 20 to 25 per 18. and they arent bad courses like you would expect at that price. I am sure most of you know of it already but i am just trying to spread the wealth for those who dont.
  3. If you ever decide to come back it just might be worth it to take the 30 minute trip to Sultan's Run in Jasper Indiana. Golfnow ranks it at the #4 public course in the US. It a beautiful course and for the quality pretty cheep. $80 on weekday and $120 on weekends and holidays. i cant speak to how it compares to the French Lick courses but Sultans Run has made a big enough name for itself that French Lick resort is starting to include them in their golfing packages.
  4. Right now i am 17.5 Handicap. I hit my driver on average around 250 yards. which is above the average of 211 the article refers too for my handicap. But I also have gotten myself a launch monitor and go out to hit as many days as i can, time permitting (just started to learn truely golf this year). The constant reps help me out a lot. My higher handicap is more of a produce of lack of consistancy and decision making and not so much power.
  5. I am a brand new golf nut! My life is pretty much family, Work, and golf now. I couldn't be more happy about it. I played in charity scrabble over the years. I always stunk and that was okay because i was there to hang out and drink. This year something changed got the itch to not stink anymore. I went out and got a garmin r10 and set up a place to use it in my yard. I have been steadily improving my stroke and confidence. 4 weeks ago i broke 100 for the first time. and a couple weeks after that i had my best round ever and broke 90. there still a lot i got to learn and hoping i can pick up some stuff from yall and ask some questions to help guide me toward the right path (especially in upgrading golf clubs)! picture is from sultans run in Jasper indiana. if your ever in southern indiana you need to check it and the french lick course out.
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