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Status Updates posted by BRDGOLFING

  1. No golf till Saturday!

  2. It rained on the scramble yesterday. Hopefully it will not rain on the night golf tournament tonight. 9 in daylight and 9 in the dark!

  3. Hopefully playing in the scramble tomorrow. I am always pumped about them.

  4. I am ready to tee it up with a new used driver to see if I actually need one. The white and green RBZ.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Undershooter


      It's a hot driver but spun too much for my liking. I had mine turned down to 8* with a 77g xstiff V2



      The one I am trying just has a stiff shaft. I hit it just a little shorter today, but scattered it. It is a inch shorter than my current everyday driver. The feeling of the hit is better though.

    4. Undershooter


      If you hit the ball as far as you say you do then stiff is in your rear window and you need an x. Good luck testing the new driver.

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