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Everything posted by bartbridge

  1. I had a similar decision to make on those 2 ends of the bag. I chose 50,54,58 in the wedges. I basically go full pw, 3/4 pw, then 3/4 50,54,58. As soon as I try to hit wedge full I lose control. The other decision was between 3 hybrid and driving iron. I'm still thinking about about getting a driving iron. Regarding having bigger gaps in the higher lofts. I thought strongly about it but I kept the extra wedge so I had more options from 100 and in. Good luck!
  2. Here is something that you might be able to help with. I got fit for my irons a couple of years ago. I was fitted to standard length and 2 degrees flat (static measurements also suggested that). Since then I have improved significantly and one of those improvements was stopping my early extension. I recently got my lofts lies checked and now I'm 4 degrees flat. I got my irons adjusted but I wonder whether I should adjust my setup to bring this back to 2 degrees or keep my irons and wedges at 4 degrees. I worry this will negatively impact things going forward and promote bad habits. Would appreciate any feedback on this.
  3. Great setup. Looks like you have really thought about your gapping but throughout the bag!
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