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SuperSpeed Golf

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  1. @revkev it can be really good to hit into a net as it removes that need to see where the ball goes and just focus on one thing. If you can combine this with some range work seeing ball flight then mechanical issues will have less of a chance.
  2. @ChasingBogeys what is your driver max when hitting a ball before a session? Often a slower than driver red clubs can be an issue with grip strength. There are some exercises that can help get the red moving faster. There has been data collection showing how much more grip strength PGA Tour players have than most amateurs.
  3. @JohnSmalls Hi John, the Mevo + doesn’t read speed without a ball. As you mentioned there are 3 devices that measure speed without a ball. Swing Speed Radar, Swing Caddie SC 200+, and PRGR. We sell the PRGR and offer the bundle if you already have the SuperSpeed set.
  4. @revkev we have found some success with more static stretching especially if you have ones from your trainer specific to you. Also, foam rolling or traction type exercises. Anything that your trainer would suggest after sitting for long periods of time
  5. @JbmullinReally appreciate you taking the time to review Jody and sharing your results and feedback! We understand your comments on the grips and protocol booklet. It’s funny because some people say they love the grips and want to order replacements from us and others think they aren’t good. Would say this is pretty typical of how some golfers love certain styles on their clubs yet if another person picks them up they feel terrible. Such an individual choice. They can be replaced with any grip of your choice if you’d like just like a standard club. We used to have a protocol booklet but found many people just threw it away or didn’t read it. Since everything is moving more and more digital we directed people to the website. We also hope to have a tracking type app at some point which will help. Let us know if you have any questions on further training!
  6. @twyatt700Any updates here on the distance on the course? Were your speeds increasing with each SuperSpeed club? If so then would recommend some swings on the radar without a ball and a practice routine just hitting drivers as fast as possible on the range or in a net. Then working on some impact location drills with a face spray.
  7. Wanted to provide some assistance even though sounds like you no longer have a set. If anyone has issues with SuperSpeed or the the training we do quite a bit of troubleshooting via email and phone. Often there are some easy tips that can get the training on track. The cue of “swinging hard” doesn’t work for many. We are looking for fast through the hitting zone. The cue “hard” often causes tensing up, poor sequencing, and getting slower. We always recommend to continue working on mechanics, ball flight drills, impact drills alongside the training. Some players will need this more than others. There may have been some mechanical things that changed with the SuperSpeed training that needed some attention to better take the new speed to the course. As far as injury, a good exercise program can help in combination especially if it is customized to that player. Also, a good dynamic warmup before each session is essential. We would recommend a TPI professional Agreed on other items that can assist in more distance however just trying some of them such as an upward attack without guidance may lead the wrong way as well. Let us know if we can help further.
  8. @twyatt700Send us an email and we can help with some options for replacements. Info@superspeedgolf.com thanks!
  9. @edingc we don’t have the exact percentage yet but so far it’s 5-8 mph faster than the green club. To restart we recommend getting into Level 4 now and also testing yourself on the advanced speed development protocols.
  10. @Rtracymog send us an email info@superspeedgolf.com We have high school programs available
  11. @Getoffmylawn very good question! Since we only add the Advanced Speed development series once a week and it’s a different type of mechanical training we don’t add the green max swings at the end. It wouldn’t make much of a difference but if you feel like it really helps your individual training it can certification be added.
  12. @Apolloshowl getting lots of requests for the same thing in Ireland Australia and wales. It’s unfortunate yet does give a good period where you can train at home without needing to hit a ball.
  13. @revkev that’s great! A good fitness program typically just makes the SuperSpeed program even better. It would depend on what they are doing with you and if you have a lot of corrective work to start or more general strength and stability programming. Many people perform both simultaneously. The main thing is you want to make sure your energy levels are up enough if doing both to maintain the speeds during SuperSpeed. Either way will be fine and the trainer may have some input as well.
  14. @Getoffmylawn feel free to share the results of the tests and any questions if you want to start one of the Advanced protocols
  15. @MaxEntropy looking like pretty good balance here. The speeds will be slower than standing swings but should start creeping closer and closer as you get better with the protocol. 5-10 mph less is what we expect for most. Lag is tricky as just trying to hold the angle doesn’t work. It’s best to work on things that will influence it without trying such as this protocols. You can always refilm yourself to see if anything is changing in the wrist angles.
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