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    McKinney, TX

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  1. So is it just that the par for certain holes is wrong from the women's tees? Is that set of tees selectable after synching with the satellites?
  2. When you edit the round, is the par for each hole correct? Is it just the watch that is off?
  3. Yeah, when a tee shot gets moved to another tee box because it wasn't sensed for some reason or there is a mapping issue, I have no idea how a substitute cub is chosen.
  4. You also moved the location of the shot. Looks like a mapping issue to me. If where you teed off from wasn't mapped as a tee box, it will place you typically at the tips, which is where it appears the 5W was placed.
  5. The only time my X5 has switched clubs on me has probably been due to GPS inaccuracy, or me not taking a practice swing and the shot not being sensed. It then moved me to a tee box farther back and selected a club that, I guess based on my performance stats, would have placed my ball where it was for my next shot, if that makes sense.
  6. Keep in mind there is a significant time difference as Shot Scope is located in Scotland.
  7. OK, how about the Apple Watch? Would you take that into a shower? It isn't waterproof either and is from a much larger company with far greater assets able to design and manufacture a device that, like the Shot Scope watches, SHOULD be waterproof, but isn't.
  8. I've heard a report that Scottie Scheffler has to get new shoes about every two weeks because of the way he rolls over on hie left foot. So, you are not alone, and it won't be just Sqairz that are affected by extreme foot-roll, as you pointed out with the Ecco Biome shoes you wore.
  9. Plenty of people, especially in the U.K., have played with the X5 in the rain. The only issue has been the responsiveness of the touch screen and many have solved that issue, reportedly, by using a screen protector. No need to stop using the V5 in the rain, which doesn't even have a touch screen!
  10. I do give you credit for admitting to them, you took a shower with it on. The touch screen, as had been documented and discussed many times on their Facebook page, doesn't work all that well in rain as most touch screens have that problem, but I'm not sure if I would take any watch, much less an electronic one into a shower without first checking if it is waterproof. Would you take your smartphone into the shower with you?
  11. Yes. Blame Shot Scope for your stupidity! There is no other way to put it. Unbelievable!
  12. Great review @billpierce! I have been wearing Sqairz shoes exclusively since putting on my first pair in July 2020. I own just about every model of Sqairz shoes except for the Mesh and now the Velo. I do own a pair of both the Speed2 and ProS2, both 2024 models. Your review validates everything I have found Sqairz shoes to be. It is interesting that a buddy of mine who just had a hip replacement was told by his orthopedist, himself a golfer, to start wearing Sqairz for their balance, stability and traction. I recall when I had my knees replaced in 2014 that my orthopedist was very concerned about me falling on the golf course, slipping on wet grass, going up or down slopes, or getting in and out of bunkers. Had he known of Sqairz back then, I am sure he would have recommended them as well. I can honestly say I have never had a foot slip wearing Sqairz shoes!
  13. A buddy of mine, who I used to play a lot of golf with before he moved, recently had a hip replacement. His orthopedist is also a golfer and recommended Sqairz for the balance, stability and traction they provide.
  14. I would have to say 99% of my edits, what there are of them, are this, moving either the pin or putt locations.
  15. Between additions and deletions, maybe three or so, if that. If I don't get "quick" at the hole marking those short tap-ins, then it is unusual I have to add or subtract any.
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