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Sign up Closed: TourStriker Training Kit

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
1,095 signups
Equipment Type: Training AId
Vendor: TourStriker


Training aids.  Do they work? Can they help your golf swing, or are they mere band-aids that fail to heal your swing once they’re taken away? The golf instruction community, and golf as a whole, is divided on the subject. Some swear by a good training aid, while others are convinced they have no lasting benefit. Add to this dynamic the fact that there are plenty of cheap low-cost and low-quality products promising big gains in yards and accuracy, and it’s easy to see how everyday golfers can get confused and frustrated.

TourStriker and its founder Martin Chuck are at the forefront of making high-quality training aids with true potential to help your game, however. If tour pro use and validation is your metric, look no further than the prevalence of the TourStriker Smart Ball. Rory McIlroy, Justin Rose, and Max Homa are just a few of the big names of professional golf who have been seen using the Smart Ball. Now, the MyGolfSpy Forum will put several of TourStriker’s products to the test in a unique custom-built opportunity specifically for the forum.


For this testing opportunity, testers will receive one of each of the following devices:

1)      The TourStriker Smart Ball Sleeve with Smart Ball.  The Smart Ball may be the most popular and successful training aid going for teaching a golf swing that synchronizes the arms and body. Now with the debut of the Smart Sleeve, Martin has taken the ball off the lanyard you used to wear around your neck, and dramatically expanded the use and benefits of the Smart Ball!

2)      The Impact Sling. The Impact Sling is the modern version of the classic and universally loved “rope swing drill.” The Impact Sling uses a golf grip handle and weighted resistance bands to work on tempo, timing, and many other aspects of your golf swing.

3)      The Toolbox. The Toolbox is an all in one training device that will help golfers of all skill levels with alignment and ball position, stance width, swing plane, and fitness & stretching among others.

4)      The TourStriker 7-Iron. This unique club is designed to teach golfers the correct way to deliver the “sweet spot” of their clubs, requiring the forward shaft lean at impact common among all great ball strikers.

5)      The FlexClick. The FlexClick shows you what the ideal impact position feels like so you can begin to train proper wrist conditions, a proper grip, and improve your long game, short game, and putting.

In addition, each TourStriker product is accompanied by a series of lesson protocols created and presented by Martin Chuck himself. In these protocols, Martin takes you through a progression of drills to help you get the maximum benefit from the training aid.


The Testing Opportunity

We are looking for 4 golfers, to test, review, and keep each a TourStriker Training Kit comprised of each of these 5 products. Testers will review each product AND IT’S ACCOMPANYING TRAINING VIDEO PROTOCOLS for build quality, ease of use, and most importantly effectiveness.

* This testing opportunity is open to registered forum members in North America.
* Registration closes Aug. 28. 
* Testers will be announced on the Forum Sept. 3. 


Very interesting and it looks like the chosen ones will be able to try a multitude of training tools! I'm not a huge training aid guys, but it should be fun to follow along!

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As the season has gone on,  I feel like my swing has gotten worse.    I've spent many nights looking at that smart ball with my finger over the purchase button 😅.    "The Toolbox"  looks super intriguing.   I actually tried to make something like that myself with an old club box and some alignment sticks.   I really love that concept.

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I've used versions of Tour Striker before and always had good results. Some of these are new"ish" to me and I look forward to seeing the results.

The ball and the 7 iron are items that I have consistently used in the past. There usage has dropped since frequency of play and practice has dropped. 

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Awesome opportunity. I have seen a ton of training aids recommended and have yet to get any, this is a great opportunity to see if they are worth prioritizing over some new clubs I need!

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I have never tried a training aide before. So this test would be good to see if they really help and how user friendly the equipment and instructions are. Looking forward to the opportunity to test these.

Happy Golfing!!! 

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Living in Edmonton, AB our golf off-season goes from Oct-April which gives me...probably too much time to "work" on my game. I've been mostly self taught during our long winters so it would be interesting to see the benefit of adding some training aids to the offseason.

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As a high school coach it would be great to have these tools for me and the players to use. Our season is August through October so I will be at the course 3-5 times a week. I see an opportunity for some great feedback.

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What an amazing opportunity, falls in line with "practice makes perfect". Keep seeing all the tourstriker stuff on social media, great infomercials and really do pull you in. Good luck to all!

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Struggling with consistency and been looking for ways to help firm up my swing. I know actual lessons are best but feel like with the right training aids and consistent practice done right, there can be a lot of benefits. Interested to see how these work and how effective they can be! Best of luck to all who apply!

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I’ve been working on my swing by watching YouTube videos of swing coaches while hitting balls in my garage sim.   Not sure it’s working for me.  Haven’t tried the training aid angle in a while (previously used a Medicus and Momentus swing aid trainer).  Don’t know if I noticed a difference after using them.  I’m super interested in trying something different.  
Good luck to those chosen!

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As with all the MGS tests, I will be very curious of the results from the members selected.  Reading member reviews has been very informative.  I have never used a training aid although I have researched a bunch.  As a 15.1 hcp, focusing on the intricacies of the swing has been difficult on my own.  Would love to test a system that would assist me with that. 

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I would love to give these a go.  I am at the range 5 days a week while playing the other 2.  Would really be curious of the increased dynamics of the golf swing from using these.

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My swing is a mess and consistency is one of the biggest culprits. It'll be interesting to see the testers' experiences with fixing technical faults. 

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 I have used the ACCROS system previously and found it expensive for the information it produced. As a Canadian, who winters in California, it would be great to be selected as a TESTER because I play all year round. I played over 200 games last year under a variety of conditions in the US and CANADA. I have played in Germany, the United Kingdom and Belgium for 4 years as well. Experience should count for something when choosing TESTERS, regardless of whether US residents or not. I asked previously for your record of Canadian testers and received no answer. WHY? Sorry for the long diatribe but my dedication and donation to MSG doesn’t seem to carry any consideration regarding your choice of TESTERS.



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I think this is a great opportunity for a mid-high handicapper to see how the training aids would help. Speaking for myself it can be difficult to figure out what is going wrong when hitting at the range/on the course. Developing the muscle memory and consistency is key to lowering scores.

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I've always wanted some good honest feedback on these products. I've been eyeing a few as I've started actively trying to lower my handicap. My sim has helped but it can only go so far.

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