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About jbern

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  • Location
    Southern Michigan

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  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. You just need a photo to complete the brag! How does the UI look on the iPad? Does the UI turn into touch input or are you still using the Exputt controller?
  2. Wow! Looks so great! Glad the LAB Rat has a LAB Rat head cover! I'm impressed with the shipping speed to Toronto area!
  3. I do not think you'll have a problem seeing the DF3 in those specs pop up on the outlet site. Those are my specs, so I can keep a lookout for you also. The other variable to consider is the grip choice. Did they recommend one based on your fitting video or do you have a preference?
  4. I've got a couple of free months of Apple TV+. Any good golf shows/movies available on there? Also, other than "Ted Lasso" (my 2nd favorite comedy series of all time behind "The Office"), which shows do people recommend? I was thinking of starting "Time Bandits" or "Trying?"
  5. Good morning! It's been a busy Friday morning with work, which is never a good sign I'm going to get done with work on-time, but I'm definitely going to try! If I'm able to be done with work on-time, I'd like to go to the practice area and work on some chips and get to the range for 30-40 swings because tomorrow I'm playing in a fundraising scramble with my two brothers and my cousin. We're all fairly decent golfers and each brings something different as a specialty to the group! Looking forward to a LOT of circles on the scorecard! Hopefully I can get my brother to take some videos of my iron swings during the scramble, so I can finally wrap up my informal review of the Sub70 659CB irons! Have a good day everyone!
  6. I saw this and was surprised how much he praised the DF3. Sounds like we're going to be seeing it in his bag on videos in the near future! He seems to be one person who didn't change anything about his putting setup or stroke and immediately benefited from the technology. Contrast that to myself, where I had to change a multitude of things about my setup and putting stroke to get the benefits.
  7. There are tons of forum members who rave about the Maxfli Tour balls! I also have too much spin with almost all clubs. I decided to go with the Maxfli Tour S and it seems to have hit a sweet spot for me in terms of price, feel, spin and distance. I compared it to a Vice Pro and the new Titleist AVX during the '23 Titleist white box testing and the Tour S came out on top for me.
  8. I agree with @J7Hawkins, I was going back and forth between the view and the club. Both beautiful! I'll have to share a photo of the range I go to... it has old row boats flipped over and stacks of tires next to a field! haha Pretty hillbilly compared to your Mountain View range!
  9. That’s about a 4.5hr drive for me, but I might be able to swing it with a little planning. Very cool!
  10. Welcome to the forum! I see your bag has a bit of Sub70 gear, similar to myself! Have you ever been to their fitting studio in Sycamore, IL? I’d really like to go someday
  11. Not nuts at all! I cut my driver shaft down from 45.5 to 44.5 in an effort to do the same thing. I have found that my misses aren't as severe and I haven't lost any noticeable distance. I'm also finding the center of the face more often. There are probably differences in how a shaft is cut between a 5W and a Dr (e.g. a 5W might have more cut off the tip than a Dr shaft). So depending on how things work out for you, it might be better to cut down the butt end of the Dr shaft than just swap them. I'm not an expert on shaft trimming/tipping though. @azstu324, @Josh Parker, @GolfSpy_APH, @JRDuck40, @McGolf or @TSauer might have better advice on that.
  12. I have been keeping up with my 3 day/week Tonal workouts. They have been a lot of fun and I still have 3ish weeks left in the workout program. As far as diet goes, I've been working on things. I'm still snacking on too many sweets and last night I went to a baseball game and sat in an all you can eat buffet section of the stadium and racked up a massive calorie number. My weight has managed to stay pretty steady around 196-197, so hopefully I can turn some diet things around and start to drop the weight a bit.
  13. Looks like it was a big workout day for you! Great news about the rib! I remember feeling so much relief when I finished my first 9 hole round with no rib soreness or pain!
  14. I'm not familiar with how golf clubs work in Denmark, but maybe it would be good to have a meal or drinks around the times that you'd like to play or like to be done playing? It might be easier to meet other people over drinks/food than trying to navigate the tee time app where people don't know you. Hopefully it all works out, but when I was first a member at a club years and years ago, it took half the season (or more) to find a group of people that could be relied upon to get out and play together. I do currently play as a single often, but the pairings are forced and random because the public places I go to don't rely upon apps for tee times. It sounds like this is not the experience you're having.
  15. I haven't ventured into the online portion of the Exputt yet. If I end up wanting to compete that way, I'll post my username and see if I can join the competitions! I'm excited to see your thoughts about the online stuff!
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