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Testers Announced! Evnroll and Precision Pro ×

Jon R.

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Test Comments posted by Jon R.

  1. On 4/27/2021 at 1:59 PM, HarveyDiamond said:

    When that sort of thing happens to me, (distance control remains fine but I’m missing right or left) , it’s not what I’m looking at or not looking at, it’s grip pressure.  I’m right handed, if my right hand is gripping the putter harder than the left, my putts will tend to go right.  If my left hand is gripping harder, putts will tend to go left.  To check how hand pressure effects you, stand over a putt, intentionally grip one hand harder than the other and lift your putter slightly.  The face will open or close depending on which hand is gripping more firmly.  Correcting this is simple, equalize the grip pressure on each hand with the putter just barely off the ground at setup.  You will know when you are balanced when the putter face is square to the target, not open or closed.  Last thing, the grip should be light but firm.  A light grip with equalized pressure will result in a more steady stroke.  Your eyes might not be bad.  Try this a few times, it takes practice but produces good results.  Equilibrating grip pressure is part of my pre shot routine, it takes 3 or 4 seconds.


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