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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Test Comments posted by RichL85

  1. 13 hours ago, Tom D. said:

    Says the guy who obviously has an IOS product, for whom this will work.  Couldn't be further from the truth for us on the other side.

    Wow. Way to put words in my mouth to go on the offensive to a completely benign comment. It's no wonder people stop coming back when a person gets attacked over something as petty as this. 

    For what it's worth, I have a Samsung phone, so nice assumption there sir. As mentioned, hopefully it will be compatible with Android in the future. Thanks for creating a nice toxic environment. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, seeking70's said:

    "Wrong" 50%?  I just see it as a good reason to not support a company now or ever.  I never have understood why a company would willingly alienate such a vast market.

    From what I've read, an Android version has been in the works for awhile. I hope they eventually figure it out so I can use my personal, primary phone instead of my secondary phone with it. Having said that, in some ways I can understand that it probably is simpler in terms of integration with the iOS devices because I would imagine the camera hardware and software stays relatively consistent between the devices whereas there is going to be a lot of differences between something like a Samsung and a OnePlus or Razer. All are Android devices but very different camera hardware and certainly different software packages. Definitely one of the shortcomings of the MLM to me, so here's to hoping for future improvements. Personally, I would rather they limit their market to only iOS until they can deliver a high quality product for Android as well. Nothing worse than a bad port resulting in a poor quality user interface. If they did such a thing, the company would get ripped apart for an inferior product. It's a fine line to walk for a business, especially one that does use integration with the phone camera. 

  3. Good luck to everyone that signs up. I just got mine a few days ago and I'm excited to get to use it. The whole apple only thing is a small drawback, I hope they get an Android version working soon. 

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