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About RichL85

  • Birthday 12/10/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Visalia, CA
  • Interests
    General otaku hobbies, Cooking, Golf, Travel

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Not exactly morning anymore, but I'm still just as tired as I was when I woke up, so I'm going to count it. My daughter had a local competition with her Lego robotics club that took up a large chunk of our day so far. Was cool to watch, but trying to keep the younger kid from saying, "I'm so bored!" while he was there for 6+ hours was a bit of a challenge. Got word that our landlord decided he wanted to do a home inspection next month so my wife is freaking out over it now. Not that there is a real need for it, but she is being a little paranoid because her father's dog tore up some carpet in one of the bedrooms and she's worried it's going to cause a huge problem. We've been here for over 5 years now, so hopefully it's not a big deal, but I know it's got her worried in the meantime.
  2. Damn near missed my sim appointment because of people that don't believe is making or adhering to a schedule. Had some HVAC work to be done that was scheduled for yesterday. They apparently changed it to this morning without notifying us. Three hours later they determined they have to order a part and hope the easy fix will work. On top of that, shortly before they were set to leave, here comes another repair company to work on the automatic sprinkler system. He was originally scheduled to come early next week, but here we are. Past that, I don't think I can really express how much I enjoy hitting the GT3 18 degree. I was very anti-fairway for a long time. Didn't even carry one for awhile, but the GT 5 wood is just crazy easy to hit. I can reliably get 220-225 out of it off the tee, sometimes more, which works great at my home course. We have an annoying par 5 that starts the "Valley" course. It's only 468, but it's about 215 to the end of the fairway and takes a 60 degree turn right. Tall trees along the right side as well so you can't just hit driver over the trees. On Wednesday I hit a high faded 5 wood over those trees to leave myself 175 to the green. Normally I hit a hybrid towards the end of the fairway and still have another 230+ to go. I'm getting more comfortable with the driver as well. Average distance is creeping up. It took a minute to get warmed up today because of the rush, but had 8 drives over 260 yards and 9/14 fairways with two of the misses being shots that just barely managed to roll into the edge of the rough. I haven't had as much chance to hit the 3 wood, so I might go with 3 wood off the tee for my next round and just leave driver at home.
  3. @GolferXY I've checked over it about as much as I can without trying to get a hold of a microscope. It's in the budget for my lab for next year, but not yet. Nothing appears to be damaged, so it was most likely just a random occurrence due to external factors. Without submerging the club head, I don't realistically think there is any way of getting water in there. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention while I was cleaning everything. There's always a chance that one of the children dunked it underwater while I wasn't watching. The hosel itself isn't air-tight or anything, not that I really expected it to be.
  4. RichL85


    Mushroom miso cream pasta, roasted brussel sprouts with sriracha and honey glaze, and togarashi spiced ribeye.
  5. Maybe I'm in the minority on this one, but I actually do like the sound of the GT line. I know it doesn't have that same impact sound as some of the louder drivers, but I really enjoy it. You can tell the difference in sound from the driver on the heel mishit for sure though.
  6. This is what I mean about the GT3 weight track. On the inside of the head are 5 little pyramid shaped notches that kind of work the weight into the proper spot for the settings, but there is a point where the weight can actually fall out of the track before reaching those notches, so I have had it fall out of the track in the process of putting the plate back on. Again, not a deal a breaker, but it can be a little finicky if you are in a rush. Turns out it was the hosel. I cannot even begin to guess how enough water got up high enough up the hosel to actually get inside, but that's the point where water can get through and go into the head. Good news is that the head itself is completely fine!
  7. Honestly, I've been swamped at work and haven't had a chance to dive deeper into the issue. I figured I would check it a little more today to see if it was a one time thing or if it's a recurring issue. If it happens again in a more controlled environment, I'll probably reach out to see if that is supposed to be that way for whatever the reason may be. I'll make a short clip on the track and adjustment later because it probably doesn't make much sense with me trying to explain in words.
  8. I haven't looked too deep yet. Maybe something to check out when I get a minute today or tomorrow.
  9. I wouldn't have thought it would be possible either, but here we are. I'm chalking it up to a random anomaly for now, but something I will at least keep in mind for the future. This was the replacement head that Titleist sent, so for all I know, this is on me for not checking that the weight cover was fully seated and "clicked" or something when it arrived. It's not a big deal and I don't plan on submerging the club head in a pool any time soon.
  10. Basically, yeah. Maybe something wasn't quite fully tightened, but I used some water to clean up the club head one day, didn't think anything of it. The next day I took the first swing and noticed some water droplets on the crown. Heard some water moving around inside the club head when I shook it after that. Once I loosened the clubhead a small amount of water came out of the club. It was weird, and the CG track thing, that's probably more of a me thing. Since the weight track doesn't have specific notches for the 5 positions, I probably get a little OCD about the placement of the weight. The T1 position is very close to where that opening in the track is, so while I was trying to position it and then tighten the cover down, it would slide just far enough to the side to slip out of the track occasionally.
  11. First outdoor round for the GT's today. It wasn't the best driving day, but still managed a decent round. Ended up only hitting 21% of fairways, but only two big misses. Everything else was within about 5 yards of the fairway, just slightly off, mostly from not correcting my aiming quite yet. Honestly, putting saved me quite a bit today with 29 putts, The GT's kept me in play, and putting kept my score down. Surprisingly, found that I can use the 3 wood to punch under the trees, as I had to do to pull off a par save on 18 today. Pulled the drive left and got it over the trees, but I didn't have a look at the green. Punched the 3 wood under the trees, leaving a wedge and two putt to finish up the round under 80, which I will always take.
  12. Good morning all. I'm going to need some much stronger coffee to get through the day. It's a quiet day at work, so nothing particularly exciting to keep my attention either, and I can only stare at process diagrams so much before things start to swirl around in front of me. Feels like a day where I'm going to be taking a lot of short breaks just to move around. I should really ask my boss for a standing desk for the office, maybe I can get that put into my office supply budget. Aside from that, the evening is going to be busy with a few errands to run, laundry to finish up, and dinner to cook. My landlord came by over the weekend to take a look at the water sprinklers and change the timers. He saw a few of my old golf clubs hanging out in the garage so I got to find out he's a bit of a golfer too. We've lived here 5 years and I never knew that. Funny enough he mentioned just having bought a new Titleist driver after trying, "way too many" as he worded it. So many that he wasn't even sure exactly which one he ended up with.
  13. I married a southern redhead with a bit of a Napoleon complex due to her height. Not to mention she went to culinary school so she really knows how to use the knives. I understand your caution all too well. Imagine her current mood when our 10 year old daughter is only 2 inches away from catching up and already wearing her shoes as well. I've learned no sudden moves or demanding requests unless a minimum of 7 hours of sleep was met and that she has been sufficiently caffinated. If those two conditions aren't met, don't even think of asking for anything. Today is shaping up to be a standard weekend errands day. Swap some books at the library, grocery shopping, etc. I do need to take a look at one of the vehicles again to see if it was just a random issue or if I need to get a new battery because it wouldn't start the other day. It's been having some odd electrical things going on with certain systems. One day the idiotic auto on/off system was deactivated. The last time I started it said the traction system was deactivated but the auto on/off was working again, so who knows. Just haven't felt like messing with it yet.
  14. Tried my luck at Spyglass on the sim today. For my skill level, I am pretty happy with the score. I still think I have some setup issues indoors compared to outdoors. No matter how much I try, I just cannot get the sim to recognize a fade with the driver. It's probably something small like standing too far away or something of that nature, but it can cause issues on some holes. Longest drives of the day were 260 and 269. I personally have some work to do on the swing front, but hit 9/14 fairways and one of those misses was all of about 4 inches off the right side. Best part is that I'm not seeing that pull hook miss much with the GT3. On a non-golf related note, the CG weight in the GT3 is a bit of a pain to reposition. I can't really explain how it might have happened, but there was some water inside the clubhead when I took the first few swings. Took the head off the shaft and the weight cover off to make sure it was emptied out. Since I have the weight at the T1 position, that happens to be very close to the "entry point" for the track that the weight slides along. In the process of loosening that cover off, the weight moved out of the track and took a bit to get everything set back correctly.
  15. Good morning all. It's been a busy week with work travel and lab testing taking up large portions of my week. The lack of sleep is starting to catch up to me a bit as we are moving into the later part of the week. Daughter was feeling better this morning, so it looks like she may have just had a short bug. Luckily everyone else in the house seems to have avoided it and we managed to keep it to just the one person. Still waiting to hear back about the last interview I went through, not that I really expect much, and with my wife looking at a promotion in her near future, there's likely very little chance of a relocation happening, but it would be a nice little confidence boost to make it to the next step in the process. Clearly I am out of the family information loop because it turns out one of my cousins passed away in a house fire over the weekend. Can't say it's surprising that I didn't hear about it because it's been about 9 years since I've visited that area. I think we are pretty much over 2024 by now with everything that has happened honestly.
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