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Madden B

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About Madden B

  • Birthday 08/05/2009

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    Syracuse, Utah
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  • Age
    29 and under
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
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  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
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  1. Nicely done testers! Can't wait to see what you guys think, I was hitting these at the golf shop the other day and I think that Callaway has a winner on their hands.
  2. I love love love Wolf Creek! I need to get down there and play again, what a beautiful course that is!
  3. Played one of the best rounds of my life with the Tour X, I am fully onboard and convinced that this ball is a homerun. I even had my dad order me 3 dozen of them, I am fully committed to it for this summer and all my tournaments. Take a look!
  4. I haven't had any issues or problems and am now on my 2nd dozen of the Chrome Tour Xs. My dad bought a dozen of the Chrome Tours and he hasn't said anything or had any problems either. That is a pretty small sample size to work with, but no issues from us!
  5. On the Course update from me. Played 36 holes head to head and played pretty well. I have a favorite between the 2 balls, I think I lean slightly towards the Tour X. It is long off the tee, great launch and feel with the irons, and spins great around the greens. Definitely a ball that is going to end up in my bag.
  6. Did you happen to play in a tournament today at Glen Eagle? I am working today and when I was cleaning up some golf carts I found the white box with a sleeve of Chrome Tours in the cart. And if that wasn't you, maybe another local person is testing the balls. But we should go and play sometime, my dad and I would love to head out and catch a round with a fellow Spy!
  7. Latest update from me, which includes more data from the launch monitor. I am working on gathering the videos and images from my on course rounds but my biology teacher is giving me the side eye so I can't work on it in class today. I hope to have it all up and posted by tomorrow night, but the early rounds have been great. I really do like these golf balls, not sure what I am going to put in the bag this summer but both of these balls are certainly in contention.
  8. Just added an update! This update is of my session in the sim hitting 8 irons. Surprising result for me, but the numbers were very close across the board! Check out the full review here - https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/62621-forum-member-reviews-callaway-whitebox-testing/?do=findComment&comment=1009315
  9. Don't get me wrong, I am still going to "win" and refuse to lose to anyone that I play with, at least that is my mindset going in! But there is always something that I can learn watching and playing with other people, regardless of their skill level.
  10. I have 1 ball (Tour) that I hit in the simulator, probably about 100-125 swings with a mix of all clubs, including wedges. I also used that ball to play 6 holes and then chipped and putted with it around the green. It has held up really, really well for me. At this point, there are a few little scuff marks on it but nothing that would stop me from using it to begin a new round with it. I think that the Chrome Tour holds up really well. More to come on that but here are the little marks, you can see they are very small blemishes and hardly noticeable.
  11. Just hit the 3 dots on the top of the post and hit the Edit option!
  12. I think that the way my dad and I did that was to take things in stages. We mapped out all the ways we were going to test first and then I had a schedule when it needed to be done. We would test something and record as much as we could and then take our time to put everything together for that test/section. And when that was done, we would just add it to the original post and then add a comment in the overall thread. Not sure if that is how we were supposed to do it but it worked for us to keep things organized. And that is what we are doing this time too, I have a list of things that I want to test and we will update along the way as we can get those sections ready and written up correctly. Not sure it that helps but hopefully that you answers your question? Good luck, can't wait to see what you come up with.
  13. Come on out to Utah and we can team up!!! As long as the weather is nice, I am at the course playing. And I have lots to learn so I love to play with those that have been around the game longer than I have. Let's Go!!! And bring the Chrome Tour balls, you won't regret it!
  14. Thanks, I did work hard on that review! I still have a few of the Sugars left and do think that they are nice balls. I would say that they have to be one of the best value balls that you can buy, they are really solid balls. And around the greens, you can spin them like crazy. I am now testing the Chrome Tour and Tour X balls and really, really liking them. I played Glen Eagle yesterday after school and was 2 under through 6, but then it got too dark to continue playing. I hope that the weather starts to get nice again, I am tired of just hitting balls in my garage in the sim all the time and want to be outside! And I love Glen Eagle, I have pretty much lived on that course every day that the sun was shining since I was about 9.
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