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    crash1778 got a reaction from GolfSpy_KFT in MYGOLFSPY FORUM MEMBER MATCH PLAY EVENT   
    Can't wait for this to happen in September. 
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    crash1778 got a reaction from GolfSpy TCB in MYGOLFSPY FORUM MEMBER MATCH PLAY EVENT   
    Can't wait for this to happen in September. 
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    crash1778 got a reaction from Shrek74 in Vice Tour. Good, Bad, Ugly?   
    I used the Vice tour for a while this year but was getting to high of a ball flight so went back to Pro V1
  4. Hmmm
    crash1778 reacted to GolfSpy TCB in MYGOLFSPY FORUM MEMBER MATCH PLAY EVENT   
    A true Captain can find the hidden talents in any player, and turn average players into great ones....
    Any of the 64 players (less named Captains) have a place on my team 🙂

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