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Testers Wanted: Sun Mountain Stand Bag and Travel Bag ×


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Everything posted by MagdaS

  1. I really like the look of these putters. Hope they feel just as great!!
  2. Oh my these clubs looks fabulous! Hope they will play as good as they look. Would nice to read the reviews on them.
  3. Thank you all very much!!!
  4. Definitely a new stand bag with loads of pockets and a Driver.
  5. Just not playing as much and getting older. So a few things get sacrificed. But I am still very happy with my Irons. I have tried my brother Taylormade Stealth driver and was very straight and 20m further which was a big surprise. Was just wondering if it really worth it.
  6. I have quite old golf clubs, whats your opinion, is it time for new ones? 12 years ago I was playing around 4 to 5 times a week and golf was just about all I did. Life has changed a bit. Unfortunately I dont get to play as much. But the love for this game has always remained! My Driver, woods and irons are very much dated. I absolutely love the feel of my irons. Have technology advanced so much that I need to Update my Driver, woods and Irons? Driver Callaway Diablo Edge 3Wood Callaway Diablo Edge Rescue Diablo TM CB Tour Preferred Irons
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