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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Posts posted by Stephen_Peszel

  1. They look awesome Wayne. I still have a load but then I haven't had the opportunity to lose any much this year. The best is when you can see your ball glowing at the bottom of the pond, just out of reach.

    The golf gloves are still the best I have used, they feel great and wear well. I think they have the best "touch" of any I have tried.

    And yes I use the pink balls, the green ones and the yellow, I have no problem playing coloured balls, the arctic white are bright. I can't wait to use some of the new ones.

    Merry Christmas, Wayne and a fruitful new Year. Don't let the Kirklands get you down.

  2. We did cover this way back when this thread started, if you shine a UV light on these balls before use they are great for low light golf, late in the day, dusk, that sort of thing, they retain a glow for quite some time. I was able to play with some of Wayne's prototype balls in addition to the varieties I bought from him. The wear well, play well, and are on a par with any ball out there. The high visibility is what I most liked.

  3. I've used Wayne's hi viz golf balls for a few years now. I've "donated" them to ponds and bushes throughout our golfing area. I love to use them, on a par with any other high end golf balls i have played. I never had problems finding info on the product nor in getting hold them. When I play there is no mistaking which golf balls are mine. It just stands out. Great product. Wayne has been great to work with and his golf gloves are far superior. Check them out. Best wishes with your endeavours Wayne.

  4. Funny, isn't it but at the Barclays a number of players hurt themselves with their excessive backspin that took the balls all the way off the green and into the bunker in some cases.

    Frankly if I actually get backspin I watch it in wonder and wonder what I did.

    I want something that is soft around the greens though, and stops after a good flop shot; I don't mind if it gets chewed up by the grooves, they all do.

    Hi Guys, thanks for the input so far,,,,,I am not building ball designs with

    excessive spin as I have my own thoughts on what drop and stop should be for

    most levels of golfers and the higher the partial wedge spin levels the greater the

    chance that distance control is compromised either in the air or on the ground.


    Lets see what happens with the Volvik trial MGS are running before I butt in with

    my gear, as it isn't right to chime in at this stage.




  5. I was playing recently, using my Vision balls, Vision golf towel, Vision hat and glove, when a guy asked me about the golf balls I was using, he said that he had found one on the course and used it and liked it, did some research and had sent a note to Boz.

    So, I too am doing Guerrilla Marketing for Boz, in my small way.

    I am still not sure which of the balls I favour but I really like the high viz balls for obvious reasons. I like the way they glow at the bottom of the pond, just out of reach, staring at me.

    Whichever has the softer cover, and I forget which, is best around the greens.



  6. My care package from Boz also arrived, faster than Vancouver snail mail! thanks Wayne, I must say that I do got odd looks from the macho players when I play the "pretty coloured balls" but nobody says anything except "wow. you can really see that ball go, you don't lose it in the sun" I explain where they come from but don't let them use one, maybe I should. Over a short period I lost most of the yellow balls which is a pity, no fault of the balls though just the idiot swinging the club. I really like using them, yes they do scuff but easy to clean up with an abrasive pad if needed. They all perform well, I have no idea which ones I prefer as I just tend to pull one out and use it. I think I prefer the UV X3 yellows, they hit well and are easy to find especially at the bottom of the pond. Looking forward to using some of the new balls, I am going to give some of the Vision hats away as prizes for our next golf meet up game, I should give a few balls but dammit I will spend more time looking for a lost Vision ball than anything else so it's hard to part with them. Folks you have nothing to lose by trying these balls, not cheap but not the most expensive either and they will suit your game for most of you. Here's a tip for twilight games, charge these babies with a UV light before going out, it enhances the brightness.


  7. From Ralph Maltby:

    Backspin is created by friction and the clubhead force component along the face. Friction is a function of area of contact between the ball and the face and of the loft. When dry clean conditions, a grooveless face will have more area in contact with the ball than a grooved one. When using softer balls and/or hitting down and/or hitting hard, the ball will flatten more and the area will extend = more friction and more backspin. When using dirty balls or dirty face, nothing helps really, backspin is reduced. When hitting with grass in between, grooves will remove more of the water and juice and hinder the friction to be too much reduced.


    and from the German site: So, here's what they say:


    1. Grooves actually slow the ball down due to a cogwheel effect. This is, however, only true for a decent ball contact, which they define as a smash factor between 1.3 and 1.5. So, under those circumstances the grooveless design adds length.

    2. They measured 10-20% more spin on different launch monitors.

    3. The grooveless irons work equally well in all kinds of weather and from the rough. High handicappers can play them, if they are motivated. Bogey golfers and better will have no problems.

    4. You can get the heads separately as components, but be prepared to write a decent check.

  8. I've been reading about these for a few years, there are some excellent reviews on line, some in English. This really challenged my German. Ralph Maltby also has interesting comments on groove-less clubs. I must admit I rarely get the ball to spin back on the green with my wedges and I do take a lot of surface material off the ball when I hit. I figured it was a matter of chance and the pros are just lucky. I would not mind trying these clubs myself, or just wait until my wedges are worn out.

  9. Shipping was a good deal, bought plenty and they arrived really quickly. I too pack a chain saw when I play, losing one breaks my heart and not just the cost, ProV1s cost more but they just don't look as good. I have even started letting people play through while I hunt...there I said it.

    Bite the bullet, contact Wayne and buy a load, if cost is an issue then sell the kids' shoes and don't eat for a week, we all have sacrifices to make.

  10. So, I was walking alongside the local golf course this morning, in the dark, watching the moonlight reflect off the lake that should be one of the fairways, then another and another; lots of rain lately so I guess most courses are what we call "wet", not unplayable to the dedicated but harder to find a decent drop area from the standing water. I am thinking of inventing the "water club" - a wedge with lots of holes drilled through the face to allow water to run through when one strikes a partially submerged ball. Don't tell me it has been done! Worth a try anyway.

    So, this gives me an excuse to rehab my injured knee, torn ACL I think, my wife wants me to see a doctor or physio but those folks are busy dealing with sick people, know what I mean? Anyway I am working on it. I think I have a book on physio somewhere, or it's on the 'net. This means I have had no chance to lose Boz's excellent balls lately or continue the comparison of balls that have a high viz vs those that don't.

    Now take away all the marshals on the pro tour events, make the players play faster, and give the players a reason to play a ball that is easier to find yet performs well (start with the ladies' tour)and maybe we would start to see "Vision" on the leaderboard where "Titleist" is right now. One can dream Boz. I know these balls are aimed at the weekend warriors, the holiday hackers, the non-tour "wish we were"s but it would be nice. But I digress.

    Well Christmas is coming and I for one will play on Christmas Day, the course is closed but people are "allowed" to play anyway, and I doubt if the conditions will be like last year, deep frozen, 220 yard drive and 100 yard run on, hit the hard green and watch the ball bounce into the distance, fun. I'll apply hot ointment, bandage my knee, take painkillers just in case, and hopefully try out my new water club with my bright, reflective, high viz Boz Balls.

    Nil desperandum, eh?

    Hit 'em straight!

  11. I fully support what gdddy said, I rarely buy golf balls, I find enough good condition ones that I really would never have to but I was impressed enough with this product that I did buy and once again Wayne came through better than expected.

    I am sure if I had ordered balls on line locally they would not have arrived as fast as Wayne's product did, still blown away by that.

    The only problem I have is that I blew out my knee, that coupled with the snow we had followed by the Deluge means that I have not had the chance to lose any of these precious things on a course.

    Buy the Vision balls, try the Vision balls, tell your friends.

  12. Yesterday I thought I would put my sore knee to the test and try 18 holes, heck if Tiger can do it...

    Put the first X3 in the water 30 yards to my right, hit off the toe; put a TaylorMade TP Black into play and did the same thing.

    Played ok after that alternating with the Arctic Whites and the UV Yellows.

    The balls behaved beautifully but I had a couple of wayward swings where I pushed the ball left "coming over the top" I said to myself so I made a swing adjustment and obviously fixed the wrong thing and hooked another X3 out of bounds. These balls do not show up very well in deep scrub in an out of bounds ravine, what's with that!

    I will spend longer hunting for a Vision than any other ball; how's that for a ringing endorsement?

    Found little difference in distance when I put other balls into play and I was hitting short except for when I thought I would be clever and use more club - then the beast would fly over the back of the green and gone, fun that.

    I really like these balls, still not sure which I like best though, not put the pinkies into play yet, need to nurse my knee a bit more, think it affects my play somewhat.

    Guys I bought a mixed batch from Wayne, they arrived so quickly they could have come from BC!

    Thanks again for introducing me to these.

    Now I have 400+ balls to use up that I picked up on the course walking my dog, "good ones" too, might make some friends, eh?

  13. A coloured ball is just that, a golf ball with colour and most people won't be interested in using them.

    Mostly women use the Crystals I hardly see anyone else with them.

    Now a ball that has high visibiity in the air and on the ground that has the added advantage of being suitable for most people to use rather than being a rock that only Pros can really compress and get to work for them, that is useful.

    I have used other coloured balls but I still lose them among the leaves and other debris.

    A high viz yellow ball, or a high viz white ball like the Vision balls is just the ticket.

    The difference between these balls and the others is enormous. Vision balls look like they mean business whether it is the gels or the others.

    If the Srixons perform well and have high visibility they will sell if the Pros use them and if they spend a lot on advertising.

    Hardly anyone pitches "game improvement balls" to the masses no matter what colour.

    The right colour is important, and I am colour blind so I know what I am talking about!! For me they have to stand out, even the green vision balls are not bright enough for me, (now that I realise they are green, I thought they were a dull yellow); I have never seen balls as bright as these, people sure look and take notice. I wish I had enough to hand out "go ahead and try" when I get my next batch I will do just that, AWincey certainly does; and word of mouth trumps advertising.

    Time will tell if the OEMs are just trying another pitch which I think they are.

    The right colour.

    The right visibility.

    The right ball to use.

    That is what is important.

    Enough rambling, someone else's turn.

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