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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Everything posted by Lafn96

  1. Correct; up and down is for par
  2. Scheffler going out and getting a birdie on the first hole is pretty amazing
  3. Come on, man - if you didn't know that the "jerk" part is the huge escalation by the cop over what really comes down to a simple misunderstanding where Scheffler thought the officer was just security; then I don't know what to tell you. You're also making it sound like he was travelling at some type of speed; from the reporter that witnessed it he makes it sound like he was going like 5mph. His "continuing to drive" was initially said by that reporter to be 5-10 yards; on his later interviews he is saying 20 yards. Also on the initial descriptions by that reporter, he said that cop was screaming obscenities at Scheffler, who only responded with a calm voice. Yeah - I'm going to take Scheffler's side on this.
  4. Been watching the reports this morning by that reporter, and that's the first I've heard of anything like that
  5. From the reporter that witnessed it; he didn't have a chance to get out of the vehicle quicker - the officer opened the door, grabbed his arm and dragged him out. Now, the reporter says he continued approx. 15-20 yards after the cop told him to stop and was holding on to his car; so if you meant stop his car earlier I'd agree. Taking 20 yards to stop has to be what led to the 3rd degree assault of an officer; which seems like a huge stretch to me. Edit - 2nd degree assault of an officer; which is a felony
  6. There is no way the DA is going to pursue this, or at the very most pleads it waaaaaay down. I'm a big supporter of law enforcement, but unfortunately in any group there's going to be people that are just jerks.
  7. Got my first new clubs after 25+ years. Fortunate to have enough room on my property to hit over a pond that takes 80 to clear, out to about 175. I've been practicing a lot with those wedges and short irons, which is showing results in my arccos stats. Driving and short game is a different story...
  8. Just got a new set of Sim2 Max irons; and got "free" set of Arccos sensors at the same time. Have played 2 rounds with them so far and I really like all the data they provide. The average yardage for each club is a huge help with these new irons, I'd been using a set of Ping Eye 2's for the last 25 years - so I'm hitting these much further with the stronger lofts. Impressed with how they pick up 95% or so all shots; putts are the only thing I have to occasionally edit. Now I just need 3 more rounds so I can see how much the Smart Caddie helps.
  9. Just got a set of the Sim2 Max irons after playing an old set of Ping Eye 2's for the last 20 years. The new irons are much, much longer and more forgiving. I hit my old 7 iron about 170; the Sim2 max 7 iron is 190+. I've only played one round with them so far, but it's going to take me a while to get the yardage down for them and hitting straighter than I did my old ones. Pretty happy so far.
  10. How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score? - About 25 years. Used to play regularly, just getting back into it now. Tough to say for handicap; just played my first round with my new Sim2 Max irons after having a set of Pine Eye2's for the last 20+ years. Also got a full set of used Cleveland wedges, and a new mallet putter. First round playing all these new clubs shot 86 which is my lowest round in years. What do you love about golf? - Hitting a pure shot What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies? - Came here initially for all of the reviews, then found the forums. Not aware of any other spies that I know. Where are you from? What is your home course? - Nebraska initially, N. San Diego County for about 25 years, just moved to East TN 2 two years ago. Don't have a home course here. Play TN National quite a bit with friends that are members there, and have played Bear Trace a couple time. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? - No courses real close by; but for the most part it's a lot cheaper than So Cal.
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