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    San Diego

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    29 and under
  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
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    Multiple times per week
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  1. PXG opened a new store in San Diego today and I booked a free 30 minute swing session over a month ago so I could come and check out some clubs that I’ve been eyeing for awhile now (the 0211 irons). In an effort to not burry the lede, even though my swing session was free, I did still get a free box of PXG balls for those who are wondering. In addition to getting to try the 0211 irons I also got to swing the new Black Ops irons (that will be replacing the 0211 as PXGs game improvement irons). I actually learned about the new irons yesterday when MyGolfSpy announced that PXG was letting them find testers for them. Outside of this forum and the store I couldn’t find anything online about the new Black Ops irons. My fitter (Eddie) had me swing my 7 iron (Taylor Made Oversize Burner (1996)) and after about 5 swings gave me a run down of my swing stats and handed me a 0211 7 iron. After a few swings he let me try the Black Ops 7 iron as well. He made a few adjustments with each every few swings and gave me a huge pointer that helped me improve my distance drastically (on top of swinging a club from this century). Eddie was obviously trying to sell me the clubs, for which I can’t blame him. It’s his job. But he wasn’t too pushy (everyone I talked to was super nice and helpful) and he made sure I got to swing the club as many time as needed before giving his final sales pitch. At the end of the day the 0211s felt a little nicer to me (in the small sample size I got of each.) As many of you can probably relate to, I have to consult my wife (and see who gets picked to be testers for this PXG test coming up), but I’ve confirmed that I need to have some PXG irons in my bag soon. If you are in San Diego and interested in PXG clubs, or just want some free balls, the experience is worthwhile. feel free to drop any questions below!
  2. Super interested in what you find. Would be huge if I could get one of these at the price.
  3. I found a set of Taylor Made Oversize Burner irons from 1996 at a local thrift shop for $1.50 per club 3-9 (added an Arnold Palmer Trumatic PW as well for the same price. After military discount the total was $11.75.) Since I’m hitting some much older Tommy Armor replicas that my dad got for free in 1992, this should be at least a slight upgrade. Took them out to the range this morning and the sweet spot is a lot easier to find. Even on a bad swing I can take it much further than my other set. Excited to take these on the course and play a round with them!
  4. As someone who’s fairly new to golfing (at least consistently) most of my life I’ve just hit whatever my dad or the more experienced golfers around me would give me. Since I wasn’t golfing a lot I never put any thought into it, but now that I’m going more consistently the thought has popped into my head of if the ball I’m hitting matters at this point? I’m still working out my mechanics, so I don’t feel like it matters right now, but should it? Or is there a point in your golf journey where you should really seek to find the ball that works for you? Is there a point in your development as a golfer where the right ball started to make a significant difference? I appreciate any feedback y’all have!
  5. Hadn’t bought anything recently, but I booked a swing session at the new PXG store in SD when it opens and I’m hopeful that it goes well so I can get fitted for some 0211 irons.
  6. Hey Y’all, Had MyGolfSpy recommended to me by a friend and have been following the product reviews and recommendations. Trying to get more involved in the community and hope to get great advice from the more experienced golfers on here (as it usually goes on the course.)
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