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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×

Johan Rens

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Everything posted by Johan Rens

  1. PayPal does not allow for monthly installments unless you log in and pay an amount each month. It does not operate like a debit/stop order! I suggest you consider stripe and we all contribute monthly - no idea how many members you have but even $1 per month might just help. If you have enough members I am willing to set-up a tour, will use my own funds to set this up, but need some info - your call
  2. Just joined you guys, still checking how this works!

    1. GolfSpy Barbajo

      GolfSpy Barbajo

      Glad you're here Johan! Thanks for joining in. Let me know if you have any questions...


    2. Johan Rens

      Johan Rens

      Thank you, happy to join you guys - great forum!

    3. GolfSpy_X


      Welcome to MGS Johan!

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