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Testers Announced: Volvik Golf Balls and Sun Mountain Bags ×


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Posts posted by bjpjjs62

  1. 3 months ago I had Bicep tendonesis , decompression, Frozen shoulder repair scar tissue removed and manipulation. Left shoulder righty golfer.

    Surgery went well but they found a big piece of cartilage 1 cm , Range of motion after diligent therapy is great  and since winter in WI no need to rush back but I am back to lifting pressing is a challenge but pulling is back to normal feeling and strength is improving as well.


    I couldn't get my wallet out before surgery and can touch between my shoulder blades now.


    Don't know if the cartilage broke free during manipulation or was always there but overall it 

    My concern is I still get catches and my surgeon is talking about a plug of cadaver cartilage as a replacement. Rotator cuff is in great shape.


    Was wondering if anyone has heard of  https://www.arthrosurface.com/   they have great testimonials from powerlifters and crossfitters but not too much from golf. Anyway I meet the surgeon again in two weeks ill see what he thinks. Good luck and do your therapy it's critical to a good outcome. MY PT sai it is true with this stuff no pain no gain.


  2. I did by the prgr launch monitor and have just done dry swings (no golf balls) but for swing speed it seems to be very close to my trackman data of just two weeks ago.


    It is small enough to carry in your bag and you won't notice it. Easy to read in the sun easy to change clubs appears decently made.


    Compared to Swing speed radar the numbers just seem more realistic and consistent.

    Ill try to post gain when I can hit some balls.


    So far so good!

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