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Kevin McManus

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  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
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  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
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  1. I believe they are the same clubs made at two locations because the looks and lines are too close for coincidence! Performance is spot on with both hltting their windows differently but similar results! You can’t fool us everyday or even the same time each
  2. Yes, my choice for 10 years has been a DATREK stand is a 14 divider club and a sturdy stand apparatus! They are affordable and nice looking! great Sturdy plastic top for strength! plenty of zipper pockets for the “goodies” and off we go! come fly with me is it’s slogan or should be! Enjoy
  3. I wear glasses but some allow too much air or poorer visibility of golf ball! I have POC now with lenses! enjoy!
  4. My entire golf relationship I was never “really” comfortable about Golf Sunglasses! I believe it’s from playing Baseball Outfields without Sunglasses and they weren’t a better tool for applications! today, with Brain Tumors, Sunglasses are a Necessity for healing & environment enjoyment of outdoors! Enjoy! K
  5. Looks good line up with all 3 irons in one set! I liked it Mucho! Enjoy!
  6. That will do the Job always! Great clubs and unbelievable shape for consistent players! Enjoy!
  7. I thought the rails RAILED real far through all roughs! We’re on something and it’s good!
  8. There mostly regular because Golf hangs in the past believing a7th wood is necessarily a poor player instead we only get so many options and each club earns a spot or doesn’t play with friends! Funny when DJ started killing them they created more hybrids options, hypocrites on what’s best for whom! It get er done as easy as possible, still freaking hard period! Enjoy!
  9. The SLDR 7 wood will be a beast for both short par 3’s or really tight par 4’nn
  10. Played a 7 wood in the 70’s! A knock off brand but killed it more than a great 5 wood in HS! They’re really long and better distances than my 2 present hybrids which are ridiculously long, easy and straight! have 2 18* callaway rouge 23* Rouge ST a beast got cheap from Used Callaway but still in plastic! enjoy!
  11. Stage 4 RCC, rehabilitation from 3rd brain surgery with another in MAY! I still do everything I can, I live in Golf Community and access is “never” an issue!
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