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About KINGWinston

  • Birthday 07/31/1991

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sacramento, CA
  • Interests
    Family, Golf, All Sports, & being out in nature

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. I feel old school in this topic but I'm always tucked and the only of my friends/family that does so.. everyone is untucked. The only time you'll see me with the shirt untucked would be during a scramble tourney and I've had my fair share of shots and drinks hahaha If it's untucked, party Josh has arrived and he will flop every shot regardless if it calls for it or not.
  2. I just want to play but nothing beats a round of 18 with the boys. 9-hole twilight out here in Sac in key because it gets so hot. If you're not playing early morning, its brutal. One of my favorite 9-hole tracks was a course called Sunrise in San Diego and was the 9-hole course on the other side of the tracks from Riverwalk (was owned by Riverwalk until they sold the property). Quick 9 holes for some great practice and they only charged you $12 to walk it?! I think i played there every Saturday and Sunday for a good year before they closed it down.
  3. Sounds about right. I used to live 5 minutes from Stadium golf (San Diego) and it was always price. I miss their short game area though! NorCal is no different either and we don't have nearly the quality of course as the south.
  4. It's blowing my mind to see all these low prices! Northern California needs that! Haggin Oaks (a rather large and well know range around the Sac area) charges $20/bucket for 100 balls.. to me I'd rather spend the extra $5 and go play 9. We also don't get many grass ranges here, only a few courses during very specific times of year so to me it just makes sense to play twilight 9 and get my practice in there. When i was down in San Diego it wasn't too different but at Stadium golf they had a huge bin of balls that you could use to top your bucket off as much as you can carry, which was amazing. They also had a short game practice area that was awesome. they charged $8 which some didn't like but i loved it, kept anyone who wasn't serious about getting practice in out and when they opened, no one was ever there so the practice you get in was amazing. NorCal or SoCal? same here in NorCal and was when i lived down south.
  5. I'm the exact same with the same golf! all these posts had me feeling i'm going through mine too quickly
  6. Fun topic! How long do you keep your golf gloves? I will keep them until the grip wears down on the thumb and doesn't feel comfortable How long do you expect your golf glove to last? And what glove do your normally use? I use Taylormade gloves and I generally use 2-3/season when I was playing a few times a week. Do you have a glove storage unit or do they just go in the bag after? I bought one of those attachments that hangs off your bag and it holds a few gloves and patch on the outside to hang one and let it air out. I highly recommend getting one instead of tossing them into the bag! https://www.amazon.com/Stripebird-Players-Performance-Protect-Moisture/dp/B07YVJD32C/ref=sr_1_5_pp?adgrpid=1335907191466837&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7iX0AyDEL0Y2qxU20YxXI-zp_okEiGTKLc-5MwN-wz9W3NJ11r2LLtUMuzTui8bA1kqdFS3-XOxSSLbcrOFlqZ8AvW7Li7g2qDYDiyNk9H2yjcxHkZdU_vNYzYdnA00gBS8RZPVzMur_PVlb7nWbwkE36zDEG7gkOaWwA_fznLWDVzawlYqhfA8zuo3qaZ7OcKTZ82vk3Bkls_u9MRgHV-Y2lKi05u5X9_6rhgnNtKcPuBQyABNJ_aaeaRU7654Rv16D9rLBK6h95q8ShsJf-lN3nfM4H7SvEi1nZQG74x4.k15N3y6wlAA8FYpxOqUV2PPIRichfyy28A0fdb2H9Dc&dib_tag=se&hvadid=83494414476154&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=90011&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-83494543150359%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=7499_13182833&keywords=golf+glove+case&msclkid=d63ab41fe79110f04c43d27cd48fbec6&qid=1717777189&sr=8-5
  7. i appreciate it and i'll take a look but i don't think i'm "stuck" in methods that data doesn't support. Again, data only tells you one side of the story and i think you're missing that being so data driven. you can't always live on statistics. The beautiful thing about golf is everyone has a different way or view on how to get the ball in the hole the quickest.
  8. Love this post! Yeah I'm not trying to dispute distance has an overall advantage. WHEN PRUDENT is huuuuge and that's where my argument stems from, you can't bomb and gouge every hole. I hope no one is laying up to wedge yardage unless you absolutely have to. I feel like high handicappers are going to read this thread and say "exactly why I'm going to bomb it everytime" well how often are you in the rough with a shot at the green. I was looking at this questions more from the tee rather than anywhere on the course.
  9. What stroke gained stats exactly? For what handicap player? While I don't completely disagree (I'll take 40+ yards all day) but the yardage difference isn't generally that drastic so let's assume a 20-25 yard difference. There are more variables from playing out of the rough, starting with the rough itself. Those stats, just like any other sport I've played, only tell one side of the story. An extra 25 yards is amazing but does it help when you're right behind a tree and have to chip out or forced to lay up? If we're talking pro's than absolutely being a little off line in the rough isn't a problem but i was say the shot dispersion on this thread is a tad bit different that tour pros. Data helps but I've never been driven by data in any sport i played, if you are it can become a fault. Sometimes you have to go with feel/flow of the game.
  10. I seen an earlier comment about rather being 20-40 yards further in the rough than back and in the fairway... while that may work for a hole or two, long term, you need to be in the short stuff to score. you sacrifice accuracy out of the rough before you even hit your shot. I've got a buddy who will bomb the ball all over the place and when he connects on a good one it looks awesome but I always hit him with the "I'll see ya whenever you get up there" Accuracy is king
  11. Reading the responses have been interesting. Finding the balance between distance and accuracy is a battle for me. I make this decision a few times alone out on the course. I try to let the hole/course dictate that. If there's trouble where I tend to miss or my target area is tight, I'll hit my safe drive which is way more accurate and sacrifices some distance if i HAVE to be in play. If there fairway is pretty wide or I feel like an errant shot wouldn't hinder me too much, I'll give that one a ride. That being said, I really think the course you're playing should influence your shots. Also, we all seem to associate distance and accuracy with the driver but if I had the choice of some distance or accuracy with my irons, I think that answer is accuracy 99/100.
  12. I don't remember that! might be too young to remember haha but I want a set of those to have! I played with a guy one time who has the most beautiful woods and driver I had seen. The old school wood heads with the screws and all. He had them all polished up, I'm not sure I'd even play with them if I had them!
  13. Good to know! Appreciate the info... I'm a little more open to graphite shafts. Got a few other wish list items first and may wait until i've hit a wall i can't get passed. I would like to see more on tour too!
  14. it feels unpopular! Being someone who's never used graphite irons (really am comfortable with the steel), did you see any initial dip in performance when making the switch? My perception of graphite shaft was meant for slower swing speeds which is a big reason why I've never even considered them
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