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Sign up Closed: Rapsodo MLM2Pro

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
4,088 signups
Equipment Type: Launch Monitor
Vendor: Rapsodo


We ran a member testing opportunity with the Rapsodo MLM2Pro last season, but since then, Rapsodo has released a handful of new features and updates that need to be reviewed.

The Rapsodo MLM2Pro has been highly praised by MyGolfSpy for its various functions and extremely affordable price point. We know how well the Rapsodo MLM2Pro can help golfers with training, video, and overall numbers, but how functional and useful are these new features? Can they open up this launch monitor's value to more golfers for more uses?

To give you an idea of some of the new features that have been released since launch, here is a brief rundown:

R-Cloud: Now you can access all your sessions, recordings, and shots anywhere you have internet access. Want to review swings on your computer and break down your swing? Now you can, and you are not limited to only viewing them on the app.

R-Speed: Are you working on gaining swing speed? R-Speed will record your swings, swing speed, and sessions in conjunction with Superspeed, The Stack, and Rypstick to give you accurate results on your swing speed training. Don’t have one of those? Don’t worry, you can work on speed training just using the Rapsodo App and MLM2Pro.

Range: Practice on a range and get more lifelike feedback even while hitting into a net.

Target Range: Want to work on specific targets? Target Range gives you various targets to aim at in a full virtual practice facility. Hitting targets doesn’t just mean greens; there are fairways and layup options, offering over 100 different targets to choose from.

These are just a few of the new features that have been added, and we need to review them.


The Testing Opportunity We are looking for three golfers to test, review, and keep a Rapsodo MLM2Pro launch monitor with a one-year Premium Membership. Our selected testers are expected to give a full review of all these new features as well as how the Rapsodo MLM2Pro works as a simulator. Do these new features add value? Should they entice golfers to take the plunge and purchase an MLM2Pro? We want you to let our community know.


*This testing opportunity is open to registered Forum members in the U.S. only.

*Registration closes July 24.

*Testers will be announced on the Forum on July 30.



Late reply, but this is an amazing opportunity for the testers.  I recently was able to save up long enough to get a net, monitor, and mat for the garage.  It has been an amazing addition to the family's practice that is starting to show itself on the course.  Best of luck to the testers, this will shave some strokes on the course.  I hope this testing opportunity will do to someone who truly appreciates the chance at game improvement.

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Currently using a Rapsodo MLM v1 as my home training setup into a hitting net, with additional sessions at the local driving range to compare yardage variations.

I would love to see how the MLM2Pro differs in performance especially for those that already own the V1. The ability to use the MLM2Pro while playing a round of golf would be an amazing upgrade over the V1. Not that you can't use the MLM v1 during a round of golf, but having to set-up a second device and aling it before every shot makes it just annoying enough to discourage using the MLM v1 during an actual round of golf. The application interface on the MLM2PRO over the MLM v1 with software like e6 Connect is another unique upgrade to the MLM2Pro over the v1. 

This comparison would help determine if the new model is worth the upgrade for those that are on the fence with the v1 already on hand.

Good luck to all. 

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US only, argh! This would have been a good one to test. Still will be looking forward to the reviews.

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Would love to try this.  Currently have the Rapsodo MLM and have been looking at the MLM2Pro

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As someone who used to beat balls, the range addition is certainly intriguing as the quality of my swing has faded. 

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Amazing opportuntity, I have been looking into simulators and launch monitors for the range I go to a couple times a week and Rapsodo has for sure been on my list!

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Bummed I didn't get it last time around. Really hope I can get it this time. My game sucks right now!

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Currently in the market for a Monitor.  Would be a great opportunity to work on my game year long.

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Do they still require a specific ball to pick up spin statistics?  That was really my only complaint about the original software.  I thought I had remembered reading that it couldn't get spin numbers unless you used a specific Chromesoft X RPT ball.  It would be nice if you could use your normal ball and still get accurate spin numbers.  It would also be great if it had "normalization" using range balls like other manufacturers.

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What are the export options that it provides from the app?  If I want to throw everything into a spreadsheet, how easy is it?

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Oh wow, this is awesome!  Good luck to whoever gets picked for this one.

Been researching launch monitors but haven't bought one yet.  Currently doing a review with my daughter for the kids clubs so have to pass on this one.

Definitely going to be interested in reading the reviews here!

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Great opportunity. Good luck to everyone that signed up. 

Might need to switch from Swing Caddie with these new data points. 

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I have really been considering a Rapsodo MLM2Pro. This would be an awesome way to try it out. I would really like to gather the data provided from this launch monitor.

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Looking for a monitor and am very interested in this one. All appearances and reports are super positive. Would love to test it. 

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Been looking to try out a Launch Monitor... Hey MGS... Who's got  👍👍's and would crush a review... This guy!

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What an awesome opportunity!!  I have had my mlm2pro since January and it's amazing.  Rapsodo is constantly improving the feedback and user experience.  The multiple camera angles and data have really helped me improve my swing. 

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Longtime user of the R10 w/ GSPro.  I’ve even started to build my own courses.  Looking forward to testing the Rapsodo to compare to Garmin’s solid tech.

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I love my Garmin R10 with GS PRO software. I have been dying to give this unit a real try though, I would be more excited about the coaching aspects and bag mapping abilities and what not than the simulation play. Not that I wont be simulating steady as well lol. But the garmin is limited with the way the data is given to you and sometimes you have to question it's accuracy from time to time. Would love to try this thing out for a while!!

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Can't wait to explore the updates to the Rapsodo MLM2Pro, thanks for this opportunity! 

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This is awesome! I play professional golf and started out with (and still have) the original MLM. I have moved up to a trackman now but would love to see how the MLM2 compares to the original MLM and how it stacks up to a tour quality launch monitor like the Trackman!

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