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  • Forum Member Review: deWiz Swing Analyzer


    The Testing Opportunity: deWiz Swing Analyzer



    Hit longer. Hit straighter. Hit closer. 

    The deWiz AI golf swing analyzer was born from more than 50,000 hours of research, testing and development. Designed with the intent to help golfers “become their own golf coach,” deWiz utilizes a patented learning stimuli that delivers a subtle but noticeable sting to the wearer's wrist when their swing deviates from the set ideal min-max values for specific data points.

    The three swing metrics predominantly used for improving your golf swing with deWiz are Transition, Tempo, and Length of Backswing. A neutral transition will help to eliminate your slice or hook, while improved tempo and a longer backswing will help increase your distance. There is also a focus on wedge distance control, called “Distwedges,” that aims to help you dial in your control around the greens to get closer to pins. In addition to these metrics, deWiz provides a host of additional data sources related to your hand path in the swing. 

    The deWiz app also features an on course mode, allowing you to wear the training aid during rounds to collect swing data. This is compliant with the Rules of Golf, as your swing results are not accessible until your round is complete. 

    MyGolfSpy forum members ejgaudette, Syks7, USMCSnyper, and GolfSub70 were selected to put its claims to the test. Can the deWiz swing analyzer really help you improve your swing without the need of a golf coach? Read on to see what our testers concluded!

    Tester Plans and Expectations


    Our testers had some areas of focus for improvement in mind when preparing to put the deWiz through its paces. 

    ejgaudette had this to say: “I am still working on driver and iron consistency which is where I think deWiz can help. Working to minimize my slice which is my dominant miss with the driver. Looking through the material on the deWiz site tracking how you transition and the full hand path visual should provide some awesome data.”

    Tester GolfSub70 had a good idea of what it is he was looking for the deWiz to help him improve, stating: “I have a good understanding of the golf swing but admittedly struggle with applying changes to my swing or feeling exactly what is happening. I think the deWiz Swing Modifier could be a phenomenal tool to provide me with the feedback and information that I need to actually make noticeable improvements.”

    First Impressions/Unboxing

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    Our testers came away impressed with the deWiz device upon initial inspection.

    Tester Syks7 said: “I really liked the on-boarding process. Once the order was confirmed, I started getting emails from the deWiz team about setting up an account, downloading the app, joining the Facebook group, links to the YouTube account, how the device worked, etc. It made receiving the device and getting started pretty seamless.”

    Said USMCSnyper: “Out of the box, the looks were exactly what I was expecting. The device was shipped quickly, and the packaging was as I expected. The box clearly stated what was inside and had a nice picture of the device on the outside. the deWiz was packed nicely and securely in the box.”


    The proprietary charger was a point of contention for our testers

    There was one consistent point of contention, though, with our testers. The deWiz comes with a proprietary charging cable, meaning if you lose it, you won’t have another around the house to charge the device. They would have preferred to see a more universal charging option for the device.

    The Data

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    The deWiz is a data nerd’s dream come true (yours truly included). It provides users with a litany of data points based on the hand path of your backswing and downswing. The app stores and tracks all of your training sessions, and you are able to compare your numbers with deWiz’s professional ambassadors through the insights section on their website. Would our testers find these data points not only beneficial, but be able to take action to change them? 

    For tester USMCSnyper, the impact of data was noted in his first session: “For the 85 swings I took in my initial session, I dramatically reduced my OTT swing. Once I figured out what I was doing wrong, I was able to shallow my swing and decrease my OTT by 2.8 inches.”

    Tester Syks7 highlighted what he saw as both a positive and negative with data: “my swing is feeling decidedly more repeatable from the perspective of the deWiz. Transition is mostly inside or just outside the norms of 1 to -1, Tempo is good right around 3:1, and I'm very much on plane after having ironed out some swoopy kawaswing hand path issues…Admittedly, it hasn't been a panacea for everything. The connection, sway, and weight transfer faults that rear up every now and then are still there..It requires both a deeper dive into the data and a more manual and tedious approach by checking numbers and path after each swing.”


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    Another key focus for the deWiz comes from their distwedges challenge, allowing you to fine tune your backswing to specific distances. This element aims to help you hit it closer. Our testers really enjoyed this feature of the app, and it looks to be a potential game changer for sticking approach shots.

    Tester ejgaudette lauded the features of the distwedges challenge, saying: “by far the best feature though is the distWedge challenges and being able to set up a wedge matrix. Distance control inside 100 is something we can all work on and the deWiz is a great tool for this. Checking if each swing is as long as you think and practicing hitting those various spots is invaluable. I noticed a big improvement while I used the device and have a solid matrix to practice all off season.”

    Syks7 also spent a considerable amount of time within distwedges, stating: “I spent a lot of of time in this mode, but less for touch wedge shots and more for building a very consistent ½, ¾, and full swing. I was focused on hitting a very specific backswing length for each since it became apparent that my ½ swing had a six inch variation on the length of my hand path. The same with my ¾. 25 percent variation on a ½ swing!”

    The ability to access swing data with such ease has the potential to be tremendously beneficial in improving one’s touch around the greens. 

    On Course Mode

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    Another feature the deWiz brings is on course mode, giving users the ability to wear the deWiz swing analyzer while playing a round of golf. Fully compliant with the rules of golf, this mode allows users to track their swing data while not accessing it during the round.

    However, the user experience left a bit to be desired for some of our testers.

    For tester GolfSub70, on course mode didn’t get along well with his tempo of play: “I just find it cumbersome/annoying to have to input data after every shot while I'm out playing with other people and trying to play quickly...I had to purposefully pause over the ball…the device has to know you have addressed the ball and then measure the swing accordingly...but for me I had to go away from my natural process and rhythm if I wanted swings to register.”

    Skys7 noted some challenges as well: “Admittedly it's a relatively new feature, but I just find it too cumbersome in its current form. All of the ease of use with the practice modes goes right out the window and even standing very still I had trouble with getting it to read swings.  Combine that with manual data entry for each club and the shot result on every shot and it just takes too much focus away from playing.”

    Closing Thoughts

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    When push comes to shove, did our testers find enough value in the deWiz to keep it in play for their practice regimen?

    For USMCSnyper, it was a no-brainer: “For me, this is the absolute best swing tool I have ever used…I now know what over the top feels like and what a correct swing feels like, period.”

    Ejgaudette, on the other hand, was a bit conflicted, saying: “The biggest issue I have found is in trying to take this great data the system has given me and apply it. I feel like a carpenter trying to build a house without a blueprint.”

    The deWiz proved to be a useful tool in terms of analyzing their swings and finding faults with the data provided.Receiving grades of 84, 87, 88, and 87 out of 100, it performed very well for our testers. If you’re a golfer that struggles with a slice or hook, or just want to fine tune your swing, give the deWiz a look!

     For a deeper dive into our testers experience with the deWiz, check out their full reviews here!


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