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Everything posted by GF_SGCC99

  1. Received an email from Pure grips stating they are going out of business? Currently all products are 50% off. Took advantage to stock up on replacements, but if this is true it is sad. What a nice quality product that I have enjoyed over the last few seasons.
  2. I was struggling with this early this year. I am right eye dominant and also see my line on a green as a straight line, not as the path the ball actually takes. This makes me very dependent on the line on the ball, and I consistently felt like I couldn’t get that line where I wanted it. No matter how many times I backed off and realigned I never felt comfortable. I was searching the internet for help, but came across something interesting watching Bryson play. He would use the shaft of his putter to draw a line between his spot and his ball. I picked this up and it has helped immensely. I find my spot to putt to, line my ball up to what should be that line, and check it by holding my putter shaft up and closing my left* eye. I look along the right side of my putter shaft to see the line on my ball follow my putter shaft to that spot. From there I feel comfortable to fully trust my line on the ball and putt. Hopefully that is descriptive enough to understand my process. Best of luck right-eye gang! *edit
  3. I chose the X model to try and gain a bit of distance in my irons without sacrificing accuracy. I’ve never played a true game improvement set. Irons are the strong part of my game, so my thought is try and amplify them as much as possible. Reid - Shawnee, KS I was playing the Ben Hogan PTX Pros, but switched back to my Mizuno MP30s. Handicap - 19 Will you agree to patriciate in discussions on the forum about your experience with the irons after receiving them. - Yes
  4. Pulling 3-5 footers is what led to me making the putter change. I’d been reading on toe hang and it’s affects on closure rate, and thought that this new-to-me putter might aid my stroke. Practicing with this new putter and struggling with making consistent center contact is what got me asking this question. Again, I likely just need more practice with the new putter. Putting is by far the weakest part of my game, and is my main target area to strengthen this season.
  5. I really like my double wide putter and I make consistent contact in the center of the putter face. The only issue is I have trouble squaring the putter through the impact zone, leading to putters starting off line. I have started practicing with a blade putter with more toe hang. While I seem to be starting putts on line much more frequently, I’m finding my strike tends to stray from the center more often. Both putters have the same head weight, length, etc. This is probably a result of my comfort level with my old gamer (the double wide), but it made be wonder which is more desirable in everyone’s opinion: consistency with contact or consistency with squaring the putter face? Hopefully my question makes sense.
  6. I enjoy darker finishes to cut glare. I had a SC Newport that I just could not continue playing due to the heavy glare from it. Same reason I use raw wedges. I even use dark finish irons in the Ben Hogan PTX pro. It’s a more durable finish than most. I don’t get to picky around the finish leaving as long as the glare remains reduced, but just my opinion.
  7. Pure midsize wraps. The GP 2G wraps can be a bit slick (as previously mentioned above), but have never had that issue with the Pure wraps. They appear a bit duller in color, so maybe it’s a material difference a something, but they do not slip ever.
  8. was playing a 7 wood and a 4i that were 1 degree apart, but with a 25 yard gap difference. Just put in a 23 degree hybrid to see if I can adjust that gapping and get a more consistent 210 club. This new hybrid will be only 1 degree apart from my 5 iron, but will (hopefully) gap about 15 yards. Loft number doesn’t matter, the shot and gappings do.
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