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About Fongle

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brisbane, QLD, Australia

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  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    111+ mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
    Short Game
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Yeah adjusting to the weight of the controller has been the hardest part for me, both in Golf+, and then trying to readjust to real golf clubs afterwards
  2. Morning Spies! I'm feeling pretty insanely spoilt right now. Me and my wife very recently bought our first house, and I absolutely wasn't expecting anything for my birthday because we've both been putting virtually all our spare money into home improvements etc, but I woke up to this today Not sure what I've done to deserve this woman, but I'm going to have to keep trying to figure that out. Have a great day all!
  3. Had to jump straight in cold, got a bit caught in traffic on the way and nearly missed the tee time as is. Typically never really an issue, if I miss a warmup I might hit a few iffy shots on the first hole, but I don't think I've topped as many shots in a row as I did yesterday since I was a junior learning to play. Felt like I had no sense of the bottom point of my clubs. Only exception was my chipping, which I've been practicing daily in my backyard for some time now.
  4. Played a round today at The Glades at the Gold Coast, and it may have been one of the worst opening 9 holes of my life. I genuinely struggled to do anything but top the ball for the first few holes, and barely made contact after that. Wasn't til the back 9 that I was really playing at all properly. Switching from playing a lot of VR golf to IRL golf again is such a bizarre change, and I think it's messed my swing up entirely Feels like now I need to schedule more time when I play in order to then immediately go outside and swing real clubs and focus on the bottoming out point especially, because that was a truly frustrating experience.
  5. Been working on my chipping every day recently, trying to get my touch back. Certainly not a bad afternoon for it, and the scotch I had nearby didn't hurt
  6. Yeah playing these courses in VR really makes me want to play the real versions ever more
  7. Yeah, would absolutely love to drop the 3i in the set and add a wedge instead of having to lose the 5w to help with gapping
  8. Got 3rd in my first weekly Tournament on Pro difficulty. Left about a million putts out there though, for some reason the greens felt so much slower than I had adjusted to, and I struggled to adjust to the slower speeds.
  9. Hey all, have been a bit quiet on the review front since the weekend, had a bit of a work emergency and had to fly interstate to help sort some things out. Fixed now at least, and I'm very much looking forward to a round or 2 the second I finish work today. If anyone's still up after 5pm AEST I'll be getting on right away today
  10. That Castle Pines course looks awesome, would be very interested to try that one out
  11. One issue I've been noticing more is that I can't seem to hit a nippy low chip with spin, opening the face seems to just forcibly hit a flop every time no matter how much I try down and through the ball, so it's either that or watch the ball roll out halfway across the green every time when playing Pro mode, with Pro greens. With the slower greens it's not as much of an issue, but on St Andrews especially with Pro greens I'm having to flop virtually everything, or putt from 5m off the green. Have the other testers noticed this at all?
  12. Just received this email, pretty awesome concept and contest. While I don't think I stand a chance in the tour option, there's also a random draw from having a top 30 strokes gained shot during the tournament as well, so that's a potential chance.
  13. Yeah that was so much fun, genuinely such a great experience.
  14. Completed an important test today, is GOLF+ a good experience while unwell? Currently, answer is no. Had a friends kids birthday Saturday morning, there was (what seemed like) a million snotty kids running around and I've woken up today feeling decidedly awful. The original Golf Grip accessory finally arrived today, the DeadEye VR, and it feels about twice as heavy as the AMVR grip, so I thought I'd try it out quickly, and got 6 holes in before retiring. VR and dizziness are not good good combinations, do not recommend. Hope everyone else has had a better weekend, and hopefully we can get a contest happening soon!
  15. Very, very keen to play a scramble, sounds like a ton of fun. Time to set a course record?
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