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P Mitch

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About P Mitch

  • Birthday 11/15/1973

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    Paul Mitch

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lafayette Indiana
  • Interests
    Golf with family and friends, golf outings, canoeing, just time on the range working on different things

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. This may have already been done and i just missed it in my search, This site always has great products that are tested and the people chosen generally write incredible articulate reviews. My question is... have we tested the little simple things that can make a difference like golf tees? there are so many different styles out lately made out of so many different materials. Id like to know if the new designed tees are actually better than the standard old cheap wooden tees that 90% of everyone has been playing since they started. I prefer plastic tees with lines on them so I can have a generally consistent height. also id like to see more glove reviews. there are dozens of brands and would like to know a comparison instead of a review of 1 type of glove. Thanks for your time
  2. I along with I would guess will be 95% of the people have the same pet peeve and that is slow play not playing ready golf. I dont care if you need to take a few minutes looking for your ball, we all have been there. its okay to stop and get a drink and enjoy being on a beautiful course. But if you and your group are the ones waiting on every shot and they groups behind you are. Pick up the pace!!! Its just common courtesy
  3. I have always bought a year old or used set. I can get a much better club for the money. irons and putters don't just wear out after a few uses. I have also bought used woods and so far have never had any negative issues with them.
  4. I have always had Blade putters, I had always wanted a Scotty. about a year and a half ago I finally treated myself and got a Newport II black blade Scotty. BEST putter i have ever had. I would be open to anything that comes along and helps my game as just about everyone else. but so far no regrets on the purchase!
  5. great topic for me golf is frustrating but I absolutely love it! I don't care for playing solo working on my game. I can easily spend hours at driving range happily working on my swing and fine tuning clubs, but for me golf is as much a social time as anything. I am fortunate enough that I get to go to 8+ golf outings every year. Those are the absolute most fun I have playing. I am also fortunate enough that my now 21 year old son loves the game and he and I can spend 3-5 hours together bonding.
  6. I like most would love to play the Old course. but living in Indiana, I have not yet been able to play the Brickyard. Pebble Beach would be a bucket list as well.
  7. usually 1 day on weekend 3 times a month is a minimun. We also have a group at work and try to play 9 every Thursday afternoon. plus about 7-10 gold outings a year
  8. years ago probably 20+ I had a King Cobra offset that I could hit straight as an arrow. the shaft broke and I ditched the head, know i have learned how to adjust my stance and swing to deal with my slice.
  9. Id like to see a comparison of drivers that claim to fix slices. to find out if there is one that actually works and still be competitive with regular drivers
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