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Bogey Train Conductor

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About Bogey Train Conductor

  • Birthday 05/29/1986

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  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
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  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
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  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Good day all! Been offline for a bit due to a conference and then sickness! Damn human body. The weather is looking good so I may be able to sneak out for a round of 9 holes, possibly with the 7 year old in tow. We shall have to see!
  2. Morning folks! At the doc’s office for my annual physical and then MAYBE gonna squeeze in nine holes this afternoon. Depends on the office and if I’m delayed! How’s everyone else’s golfing potential looking this week?
  3. Morning fellow bogey train passengers! No golf on the schedule this weekend as of now. But you never know what might happen tomorrow afternoon! Or maybe after my doctor’s appointment on Monday.
  4. Morning folks! Played my round of 18 on Monday and shot a 91! It should’ve been a bit lower as I made a mess of two holes on the front nine and missed several birdie putts within 6 feet, but with dry conditions the greens were running like glass! So I can’t really be upset about the 91! Cheers!
  5. Hello spies! I’m getting more and more hyped for my round tomorrow! It’s supposed to be sunny and 70 here in NY tomorrow, perfect for golfing!
  6. Morning yall! No golf today but I managed to snag a 10 am tee time on Labor Day for a local links-style course! Very excited as I love that course!
  7. Morning folks! One more day of work and then the weekend! Played a social league last night and shot a 39 on a par 34 front nine. Should’ve been lower but it took me too long to judge the speed on the aerated greens. oh well!
  8. Today is Spark Golf day at James Baird State Park! Sadly after this week the start times for the round will begin to get earlier in the afternoon aka not doable for me!
  9. What time is that call and where can we access it? Thanks!
  10. Good morning folks! League night is a go for me! 9 holes on a par 34 front nine. Best I’ve ever hit is a 38 so let’s see if I can break 38!
  11. Morning folks! Gonna be a scorcher today so even if I was off from work I probably wouldn’t play. I love golf but I also don’t wanna melt! League tomorrow night but not sure if I’ll be able to play because I’m on kid-pickup-duty. We shall seeeee.
  12. Certain brands are definitely quite expensive in relation to Amazon deals or Marshall’s etc. For example, Breezy Golf generally runs in the $89 range and even though I absolutely love BDS’s content I can’t bring myself to spend that much on one shirt. But it’s honestly up to you at the end of the day. I enjoy the fashion game but within a budget! For example, this is from Amazon:
  13. Through a monthly golf subscription I’ve got several pairs of Stroll golf shoes. They’re super comfortable and also stylish! They’re not waterproof or water resistant however so that’s a bit of a downside! Envious of you getting to play Bethpage by the way! I’m in the Hudson Valley area so that’s a bit of a hike!
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