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Everything posted by golfluvzme

  1. Rick, I got what you were trying to say and have to say that the wise man always backs away from the Bullseye wielding "duffer". When I was much younger, I played in the Ely Amateur in Ely, Nevada. It had to be mid-70's, because the gross division was won by some fresh outta college kid named Jay Don Blake..... My practice round was shared with an older gentleman, probably in his 70's. He carried an old 3-wood, a 7-iron and a BullsEye. Long story short, I shot 75 and got beat. Wisdom is something that does not come very often from the players of today's golf. You get guys that see a "verifiable handicap" as critical, and that is OK. You also get guys who know every rule in golf and can't break 100. But, the kicker is the guys who learn all they know from posts on internet, get put in a position that implies knowledge and share that as if it is the gospel truth. Your initial post made me smile, as I could totally relate. Give me the guy who rolls a brand new Cameron that does not have a scratch on it, every time. BullsEye............well, I'll wait for the next group, . Have an incredible weekend, LaMont in AZ
  2. I cannot even comment on the process of powdercoating, beyond having watched some shafts being done. The process I use is much different and easier in my mind. I think if done professionally, powdercoating is extremely durable and long lasting. If not, it is probably hit and miss. Some guys will do better prep and have good results, others will do less prep and it will show up, down the line. Love to see others trying their hand at doing their own customizing. That is how it starts. Keep trying new things and you may find that perfect niche for your talents. Thanks for the compliments, LaMont in AZ
  3. Whatever you do, DO NOT TRY TO POWDERCOAT YOUR VICINO. The area behind the face, the body of the putter with the silver aluminum cap, is made of plastic. You won't like what the heat needed to bake on the powdercoating will do to that black cover. I speak from experience, please believe me. LaMont in AZ
  4. Looks like a stock Miz/David Mills, but nothing wrong with that. IMHO, one of the most overlooked series in recent putter history. Keer 'er dry and oiled and game that bad rascal! LaMont in AZ
  5. I think it looks great. You were able to take what was a dog and create something the guy can show off and be proud of. Time was a factor, but that job looks good for any amount of time spent. Question. I love the way your elastomer turned out and have read that step several times. I don't see how you get the allen screws back in place if you are filling the holes from the cavity side. That step, those dang dots, is what prompts me to pass on a lot of TeI3 refinishes. Even the ones I do take on, I send to BOS just to have the elastomer replaced. Worth the added cost for me, but you did an excellent job on yours and I am curious. Please let me know that step and keep up the good work. With my time going more on MannKrafted and SSB new putters, it would be great to have a small "shop" that I could refer guys to. Thanks for the pix, LaMont in AZ
  6. Can someone turn off the oven that is parked over Arizona? We had 119* this past thursday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jamo


      103 in Boston today.

    3. cheymike


      Didn't you know Arizona is an old apache word? It means "JEEZZZZ ITS HOTTTT!"

    4. cheymike


      Didn't you know Arizona is an old apache word? It means "JEEZZZZ ITS HOTTTT!"

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