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    wendtrgw got a reaction from TJ Hall in Tell Us Your Best Golf Story   
    A few years ago I had this happen............
    Yesterday I had my first “SENIOR MOMENT” that I myself personally was involved in.
    I was at the golf course enjoying one of my better rounds in a few months. It was not warm enough for shorts but at least I did not need to shovel snow before each putt! On the 13th hole after making a rather lengthy Putt for a hard-fought Par to save a SKIN. As I was exiting the green, I skillfully bent down to pick up both my beverage and 2 clubs in one smooth motion. As I started to rise up, still moving forward, I stepped upon a WALNUT shell and rolled my ankle which caused me to further extend the precarious balance…….. I was up until that time maintaining………….as my plight was becoming evident to both myself and those who so gracefully evaded my stumbling flailing bulk. I then understood the inevitability of my impact with the earth……sighhhhhh…..I do want you to know dear readers that I saved the beverage from watering the soil, I also was somewhat amazed that I did not bust a hip or some other portion on my body know to break when fat old men fall!!!
    After I had gathered myself and understood what happened, and knew I would not cry, I rolled over to take stock of what just happened. My foursome was duly worried making sure that I was OK and checking to see if I could walk back to the club house to not interrupt the game………..one asked me if he need to call, “Gerhart Towing & Crane Service” to….let me see how he put it….”Get your big ass up off the ground because I ain’t throwing my back out to do it…..” I love these Guys…..snifffff
    Well anyway I did finish the day…..with many a beached whale or earthquake joke thrown in and am not any worse for wear other than my pride. But I am sure this will be used often in the months……YEARS to come…….God I love GOLF!!!!
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    wendtrgw got a reaction from cksurfdude in Tell Us Your Best Golf Story   
    A few years ago I had this happen............
    Yesterday I had my first “SENIOR MOMENT” that I myself personally was involved in.
    I was at the golf course enjoying one of my better rounds in a few months. It was not warm enough for shorts but at least I did not need to shovel snow before each putt! On the 13th hole after making a rather lengthy Putt for a hard-fought Par to save a SKIN. As I was exiting the green, I skillfully bent down to pick up both my beverage and 2 clubs in one smooth motion. As I started to rise up, still moving forward, I stepped upon a WALNUT shell and rolled my ankle which caused me to further extend the precarious balance…….. I was up until that time maintaining………….as my plight was becoming evident to both myself and those who so gracefully evaded my stumbling flailing bulk. I then understood the inevitability of my impact with the earth……sighhhhhh…..I do want you to know dear readers that I saved the beverage from watering the soil, I also was somewhat amazed that I did not bust a hip or some other portion on my body know to break when fat old men fall!!!
    After I had gathered myself and understood what happened, and knew I would not cry, I rolled over to take stock of what just happened. My foursome was duly worried making sure that I was OK and checking to see if I could walk back to the club house to not interrupt the game………..one asked me if he need to call, “Gerhart Towing & Crane Service” to….let me see how he put it….”Get your big ass up off the ground because I ain’t throwing my back out to do it…..” I love these Guys…..snifffff
    Well anyway I did finish the day…..with many a beached whale or earthquake joke thrown in and am not any worse for wear other than my pride. But I am sure this will be used often in the months……YEARS to come…….God I love GOLF!!!!
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    wendtrgw got a reaction from ZJeb67 in Tuck or Untuck Golf Shirt Playing Golf   
    I'm an Un-tucker. Lets just say that my belly limits my ability to KEEP a shirt tucked in. I do think they look better tucked in but my girth makes it hard to find a shirt that allows me to tuck it in and not look like my grandson wearing one of my shirts.......(He's 6 years old)
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